A Hadoop input format and a Hive storage handler so that you can access data stored in Windows Azure Storage tables from within a Hadoop (or HdInsight) cluster.
Make sure the jar is in hive.aux.jars.path (add it in your hive-site.xml). Example:
Create the table like this:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE az_table(intField int, stringField string)
STORED BY 'com.microsoft.hadoop.azure.hive.AzureTableHiveStorageHandler'
"azure.table.name" = "<tableName>",
"azure.table.account.uri" = "http://<account>.table.core.windows.net",
"azure.table.storage.key" = "<key>"
- Column names should match (case doesn't matter)
- Only {string, int, bigint, double, boolean} types are supported
- Storing data into the table is not supported
There's an example in the code, SixCounter, that you can use to guide you. Short story: use AzureTableConfiguration.configureInputTable() to configure the input table, and set your input format as AzureTableInputFormat.