This system aims to monitor the air quality index using sensors that are deployed to measure this index. By supposing these sensors are equipped with LEDs, proper LED light is turned on considering the value of index that is commanded by a controller. System is composed of 3 main parts:
- MQTT Network
- CoAP Network
- Collector (that is connected to a database)
System must be deployed on different environments. The MQTT network is simulated with real sensors on an IoT testbed. The CoAP network instead is on local machine simulated by Cooja Simulator. Finally, the collector is lunched on the local machine.
Connect to the testbed (with the correct address instead of XX) via a terminal:
ssh -i ./key -p 20XX
Go inside rpl-border-router folder and flash the program:
make TARGET=nrf52840 BOARD=dongle border-router.dfu-upload PORT=/dev/ttyACMXX
Then get the log:
make TARGET=nrf52840 BOARD=dongle connect-router PORT=/dev/ttyACMXX
After the border router is deployed, you need to lunch the Mosquitto broker in order to connect the MQTT client inside the collector with the MQTT client inside the testbed. Open another terminal and connect to the testbed by forwarding the port 1883:
ssh -L 1883: -i ./key -p 20XX
Run Mosquitto:
sudo mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
Open the third terminal and connect to the testbed:
ssh -i ./key -p 20XX
Go inside the folder for MQTT network and flash the program:
make TARGET=nrf52840 BOARD=dongle mqtt-client.dfu-upload PORT=/dev/ttyACMXX
Get the log:
make TARGET=nrf52840 BOARD=dongle login PORT=/dev/ttyACMXX
First you need to log into contikier and launch Cooja:
cd tools/cooja
ant run
Now start a new simulation on Cooja and deploy the border router and connect the serial server socket. Then, go into rpl-border-router folder and lunch tunslip6:
make TARGET=cooja connect-router-cooja
Then deploy the CoAP sensors and start the simulation.
Simply run the collector: