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@PierrickKoch PierrickKoch released this 29 May 12:00
· 413 commits to master since this release
Morse 1.3


Major changes since 1.2:

- MORSE now installs by default support for almost all its supported
  middlewares (ROS, YARP, MOOS, HLA, and (partially) pocolibs). This should
  improve end-users' first experience with MORSE (it 'just works')
- new sandbox environment. Check `the doc for a screenshot <>`_.




- Introduce the new actuator "arucomarker", allowing to
  simulate the ArUco augmented-reality marker.


- The timestamp field is now in seconds instead of milliseconds (#498)

- Semantic camera gains two properties (#396):
    - `tag` allows to restrict the kind of object you want to detect
    - `relative` returns the position information of the various objects from
      the camera sensor frame (and not the global frame).

- Laser Scanner sensors gain the possibility to return also a
  remission value at the `rssi` level.

- Introduce the new sensor "Radar Altimeter", allowing to retrieve the
  distance to the ground.

- Improvement of Acceleromter, IMU and Velocity sensor.  They now works
  properly with robots with or without physics, and returns properly
  information in the sensor frame.  The computation method is configurable
  using the `ComputationMode` property, counterpart of the `ControlType` in
  several actuators.

- Introduce the new sensor "Barometer" allowing to compute the atmospheric pressure.



- Each datastream manager now get an action handler, allowing them to run some
  specific middleware behaviour once by simulation turn.


- Socket middleware now accepts the keyword 'port' to specify on which port
  you want the socket binds itself.
- It is now possible to synchronise with an external clock using the socket
  middleware. See the documentation of **time_sync**.


- Support for Moos has been enhanced, allowing to use multiples Moos nodes.
  Moreover, it supports additional actuators such as teleport or light


- HLA can be now used as a general purpose middleware, i.e. it is possible to
  import / export any actuator / sensor using the HLA interface. Through, for
  moment, no Simulation Object Model (SOM) has been formally defined for

Builder API

API addition

- Add a method Environment.configure_stream_manager allowing to pass
  option/information to each datastream manager.
It is now possible to control the mist settings in Morse, using
  Environment.enable_mist`` and ``Environment.set_mist_settings.