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Martim de Carvalho e Sousa Pinto da Silva edited this page Jun 12, 2020 · 1 revision

A3: User Interface Prototype

The project consists in developing a global marketplace which specializes in the sale of gaming related digital products using redemption keys.

This artefact contains the specification of the horizontal prototype. With the release of this artefact it was possible to:

  • Validate the correctness of the previously defined requirements
  • Define the design concepts of the front-end isolated from the back-end implementation stage.
  • Create a digital interactive tool that ensure the quality of the initial mockups projected in paper
  • Clarify potential new requirements that may raise from a prototype development

1. Interface and common features

Desktop Mobile
Figure 1: Common Interface.
3.Search box
5.Product Shortcuts
6.Login/Register Area
7.Shopping Cart Area
9.Most Popular Products
10.Most Recent Products
12.Hamburguer Menu

2. Sitemap

Keyshare is a full responsive web-application based on HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. The frontend was developed using the boostrap4 framework.

Figure 2: Sitemap

3. Storyboards

Figure 3: Login/Register interaction

Figure 4: Add item to cart interaction

Figure 5: Checkout shopping cart interaction

Figure 6: Add offer interaction

Figure 7: After purchase user interaction

Figure 8: View seller feedback

4. Interfaces

List of Pages(Catalog):

About Us
Contact Us
Product Searching
Sign In / Sign Up
Add/Edit Offer
Product Page
User Page - Profile
User Page - Offers
User Page - Purchases
User Profile as Guest
User Offers as Guest
Checkout 1 - Your Info
Checkout 2 - Confirm Your order
Checkout 3 - Transaction Status
Admin Page - Dashboard
Admin Page - Login
Admin Page - Products Page
Admin Page - Add Product
Admin Page - Categories Page
Admin Page - Genres Page
Admin Page - Platforms Page
Admin Page - Users Page
Admin Page - Reports Page
Admin Page - Reports Details
Admin Page - Transactions Page
Admin Page - Reviews Page
Admin Page - FAQ Edition Page


Desktop Mobile
Figure 9: Homepage

Main page of the website where you can see the most popular games and the most recently added.

UI02: About Us

Desktop Mobile

About page of the website is where you can learn more about the website's goal and vision.

Figure 10: About Us

UI03: Cart

Desktop Mobile
Figure 11: Cart

Cart page is where you can see the items you have selected for purchase.


Desktop Mobile
Figure 12: FAQ

FAQ page is where you can see the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

UI05: Contact Us

Desktop Mobile
Figure 13: Contact Us

Contact page is where you can send an email to KeyShare so that it is easier to contact the website's administrators.

UI06: Product Searching

Desktop Mobile
Figure 14: Product Searching

Product searching page is where you can find, order and filter all products based on genres, categories, platforms, maximum price, lowest price and release date.

UI07: Sign in/up

Desktop Mobile
Figure 15: Sign In / Sign Out

Sign in/up popup is where you can log in or register and account to be able to buy and sell products.

UI08: Add/Edit Offer

Desktop Mobile

Add/Edit Offer is where you can sell a game. You have to select a game, how many keys you would like to sell, define discount dates and choose the price.

Figure 16: Add/Edit Offer

UI09: Product Page

Desktop Mobile
Figure 17: Product Page

Product page is where you can see the details of a product, the offer each seller is placing, the feedback of each seller and also add an offer to you cart.

UI10: User Page - Account - As own user

Desktop Mobile
Figure 18: User Page - Account - As own user

User profile page is where the user can change his email, description, password, profile picture, see all the feedback he was given and delete his account if he so chooses.

UI10B: User Page - Account - From another user

Desktop Mobile

User profile page from another user is used as the profile page of another user. One user will have the ability to see in this page the profile picture, the email and the description of another user aswell as the feedback given to him.

Figure 19: User Page - Account - From another user

UI10C: User Page - Account - As banned user

Desktop Mobile

User profile page as banned user is almost identical to the regular user page but in this case the user is banned so he has been vetoed from doing certain actions. The user will only be able to change his profile picture and password. He will also still have the option to delete his account or, since he is banned, make one and only one appeal to the admin describing his situation and why the ban should be lifted.

Figure 20: User Page - Profile - As banned user

UI11: User Page - Purchases - As own user

Desktop Mobile
Figure 21: User Page - Purchases - As own user

User purchases page is where the user can view all his past purchases, view their keys, give feedback and report sellers.

UI11B: User Page - Purchases - As banned user

Desktop Mobile
Figure 22: User Page - Purchases - As banned user

User purchases page as banned user is where the user can view all his past purchases and view the key, but since he is banned he will not be able to give feedback to sellers or report them.

UI12: User Page - Offers - As own user

Desktop Mobile
Figure 23:User Page - Offers - As own user

User offers page is where the user can view all his current and past offers as well as choose to edit or remove a current offer.

UI12B: User Page - Offers - From another user

Desktop Mobile
Figure 24: User Page - Offers - From another user

User offers from another user is where the user can see another user's current offers if he has any.

UI12C: User Page - Offers - As banned user

Desktop Mobile
Figure 25: User Page - Offers - As banned user

User offers page as banned user is where the user can see his past and current offers but since he is banned he will not be able to edit his current offers only delete them. Also it is shown to him that his current offers no longer appear in the website as purchasable products instead they only remain in his current offers section in case he is unbanned from which point on, if that happens, all current offers will start appearing again as purchasable products.

UI13: User Page - Reports

Desktop Mobile
Figure 26: User Page - Reports

User reports page is where the user can view all his reports agaisnt sellers and see reports that were made against him from buyers.

UI14: Report - Report Details

Desktop Mobile
Figure 27: Checkout - Your Info

Report page is a dedicated page where a buyer who reported a seller can discuss with that seller and an admin in order to solve the situation. A seller is able to defend himself if he feels he is being wronged. An admin will take the final say in what happens.

UI15: Checkout - Your Info

Desktop Mobile
Figure 28: Checkout - Your Info

Checkout stage 1 is where the user inserts more information regarding billing the purchase.

UI16: Checkout - Confirm Your Order

Desktop Mobile
Figure 29: Checkout - Confirm Your Order

Checkout stage 2 is where the user can view the details of the purchase he is about to make and proceed to pay for the items.

UI17: Checkout - Transaction Status

Desktop Mobile
Figure 30: Checkout - Transaction Status

Checkout stage 3 is where the user can see if the payment was accepted and return to his past purchases page to see the key or keys he just bought.

UI18: Admin Page - Dashboard

Desktop Mobile
Figure 31: Admin Page - Dashboard

Admin Dashboard is the admin's main page where he can see overall details and navigate to other pages.

UI19: Admin Page - Login

Desktop Mobile
Figure 32: Admin Page - Login

Admin login page is going to be used by the admin to authenticate himself so he can acess his interface to make changes in the website

UI20: Admin Page - Products Page

Desktop Mobile
Figure 33: Admin Page - Products Page

Admin products page is used by the admin to manage the products on the website. The admin will be able add, edit and remove products from the website.

UI21: Admin Page - Add/Edit Product

Desktop Mobile
Figure 34: Admin Page - Add Product

Admin add/edit product page is where the admin will either edit a previous product already on the website or add a new product. When the user is done filling out or editing the necessary information we will be able to submit those changes to the website

UI22: Admin Page - Categories Page

Desktop Mobile
Figure 35: Admin Page - Categories Page

Admin categories page will be used by the admin to manage the game categories on the website. The admin will have the option to add, edit, delete and search a category.

UI23: Admin Page - Genres Page

Desktop Mobile
Figure 36: Admin Page - Genres Page

Admin genres page will be used by the admin to manage the game genres on the website. The admin will have the option to add, edit, delete and search a genre.

UI24: Admin Page - Platforms Page

Desktop Mobile
Figure 37: Admin Page - Platforms Page

Admin categories page will be used by the admin to manage the gaming categories on the website. The admin will have the option to add, edit delete and search a categorie.

UI25: Admin Page - Users Page

Desktop Mobile
Figure 38: Admin Page - Users Page

Admin users page will be used by the admin to manage the users of the website. The admin will have the option to search for users, ban or unban them.

UI26: Admin Page - Reports Page

Desktop Mobile
Figure 39: Admin Page - Reports Page

Admin reports page will be used to search for reports from users, when the admin whishes to see more details or/and take action about a specific report he will be able to do it by pressing the "more details" button next to each report which will take him to a page dedicated to that specific report.

UI27: Admin Page - Reports Details

Desktop Mobile
Figure 40: Admin Page - Reports Details

Admin reports details is going to be used by the admin to manage a specific report. A report is always submitted by a buyer against a particular seller because of this the admin, the seller and the buyer will be able to comunicate through a chat in the page in order to solve the issue. The admin will also have at his disposal the options to ban the buyer or/and the seller and to arquive the Report.

UI28: Admin Page - Transactions Page

Desktop Mobile
Figure 41: Admin Page - Transactions Page

Admin transactions page will be used by the admin to see all transactions between sellers and buyers and to see more details about them.

UI29: Admin Page - Reviews Page

Desktop Mobile
Figure 42: Admin Page - Reviews Page

Admin reviews page is the page where the admin will see all the reviews (feedbacks) given to all the sellers by the buyers. The admin will be able to search for a reviews, see their content (comment) and finnaly to delete them if he finds them to be inappropriate.

UI30: Admin Page - FAQ Edition Page

Desktop Mobile
Figure 43: Admin Page - FAQ Edition Page

Admin FAQ edition Page will be used by the admin to see the questions that appear on the website's FAQ page. The admin will be able to add, edit or remove questions and their respective answers.

A1. Annexes

Figure 44: Wireflows

Revision history

First submission date: 2020/03/22

  • Sitemap has now page stacks
  • Storyboards represent only the main interactions and captions have been added
  • Added admin pages
  • User pages as banned user
  • User pages as buyer

Team: 43

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