This package will allow you to easily incorporate SwiftUI Previews into your native UIKit & AppKit projects. Inspired by the NSHipster article found here:
Consider a subclass of UIButton
that draws a border around itself:
final class BorderedButton: UIButton {
var cornerRadius: CGFloat { <#...#> }
var borderWidth: CGFloat { <#...#> }
var borderColor: UIColor? { <#...#> }
#if canImport(SwiftUI) && DEBUG
import SwiftUI
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
struct BorderedButton_Preview: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
UIViewPreview {
let button = BorderedButton(frame: .zero)
button.setTitle("Follow", for: .normal)
button.tintColor = .systemOrange
button.setTitleColor(.systemOrange, for: .normal)
return button
#if canImport(SwiftUI) && DEBUG
import SwiftUI
struct <#NSView#>Preview: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
NSViewPreview {
#if canImport(SwiftUI) && DEBUG
import SwiftUI
struct <#NSViewController#>Preview: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
NSViewControllerPreview {
#if canImport(SwiftUI) && DEBUG
import SwiftUI
struct <#UIiew#>Preview: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
UIViewPreview {
#if canImport(SwiftUI) && DEBUG
import SwiftUI
struct <#UIViewController#>Preview: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
UIViewControllerPreview {
- iOS 11+ / macOS 10.15+
- Xcode 11.0+
- Swift 5.1+
🧐 SwiftUI Previews 🧐 is meant to be installed using the Swift Package Manager. To install it, simply
declare it as a dependency in your Package.swift
.package(url: "")
For more information, see the Swift Package Manager documentation.