mq's big funny sort project.
Thanks to:
Aw shit theres a lot here. Ordered chronologically
As of Sep 12 2022, none of these links should be dead. contact me if any do die
migiwa from K-Factory and "haru" from E-Phantasm's original Touhou sorter
the e-phantasm links are dead- tried using wayback machine with to mixed results? do some digging if youre interested
"tohosort" was created sometime before Oct 17 2008 on freewebs as an english translation. dead now, rip
External image hosting, undo option added by Anonymous from /jp/, Jan 24 2013
bathkame's sorters, created sometime before Aug 19 2013
all links on sorters dead, gotta use the wayback machine to get anywhere
snksorter on Tumblr, created sometime before Aug 7 2013
unsourced. Not to be confused with snksorter-blog, created before Aug 19 2013. that one credits bathkame though.
unsure if blog authors are the same, probably not? source code different (variable BattleNo changed to QuestionNo, etc.) but the dates updated/created are very similar. could be plagarism. could be the same author redoing the code. no clue
aceattorneycharactersort on Tumblr, updated Oct 8 2013
credits snksorter, bathkame
zombikkomoe's Ace Attorney sorter created Nov 13 2013 (and their CLAMP sorter).
credits K-factory, E-phantasm, tohosort
xjcl's Ace Attorney sorter, created Jun 27 2014
fully pulled from zombikkomoe's code
solarwoos (formerly peachtuan) on Tumblr made a tutorial post on 10 Sep 2016
reblog, looks like the original post was deleted so we cant get under the readmore </3
source code might've been taken from this sorter (which credits bathkame)
execfera's charasort, created Feb 19 2018- what this repo was forked on :]
credits E-phantasm
objectsorter on Tumblr, created Jul 29 2018 byPunchyholery (formerly swabsbloo)
(only able to find the author thanks to a tweet from Bucketverse (MEGA thanks!!!))
credits K-factory, E-phantasm, tohosort, zombikkomoe, peachtuan
Epicbattler3's BFDI Character Sorter, created Jan 19 2021 by Fuzzy on Twitter
credits execfera's charasort