This is a Slack bot designed to manage and interact with users on support channels.
It provides various commands to:
- Call the duty person.
- Show and update user on support statuses where it absent.
- Manage duty schedules (create, update, delete, sync with Opsgenie).
- Enable or disable channel-specific features like reminders, auto-answer, and tagging.
- Handle custom text for answers.
- Manage actions and show related problems.
- Clean and display thread labels.
- Show statistics and manage channel labels.
- Display user commits from Bitbucket.
- Remind about threads without replies.
@bot help
git clone
cd ./whoisondutytoday
mkdir -p /opt/whoisondutytoday/db/data
Copy file and define variables. Create bot here.
cp ./production.env.example ./production.env
docker-compose build
docker-compose up