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Demo app of a simple flask application that I am trying to deploy in a kubernetes cluster.

I am using my domain to play around, the kubernetes cluster is from DigitalOcean.

Flask app

github repo:

The front end is a simple flask app. It creates a simple sqlite database with a counter. The flask app has two paths:

  • / shows the counter
  • /increase increases the counter

Docker CLI 101

Guide used:
Note: unless you added your username to the docker group, all docker commands should be run with sudo.

Build a docker image: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -
e.g. docker build . if you are in the directory of the dockerfile.

List built images: docker images

Tag an image: docker tag SOURCE_IMAGE[:TAG] TARGET_IMAGE[:TAG]
e.g. docker tag 0676e230cd2e flask to tag the image with image_id 0676e230cd2e as 'flask'.

Run an image: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...] e.g. docker run flask to run the image that we just tagged as flask (add -it option for interactive shell).

List running containers: docker ps [OPTIONS] (add -a to show all active and inactive containers)

Inspect a running container: docker inspect [OPTIONS] NAME|ID [NAME|ID...]
e.g. docker inspect keen_pike | grep IPAddress to find the IP address of the container with container name keen_pike

Stop a container: docker stop [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
e.g. docker stop keen_pike to stop our container

Remove a container: docker rm [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
e.g. docker rm keen_pike to remove our container

Login to dockerhub: docker login [OPTIONS] [SERVER]
e.g. docker login -u mrasap to login, you will be prompted for your password

Push an image to dockerhub: docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG]
e.g. docker push mrasap/flask will push the image to the dockerhub of mrasap

Kubernetes manifests

github repo:

Helm templating

github repo:

Roadmap of features

[X] Flask demo web app
[X] Git version control
[X] Containerized the web app with docker
[X] Multistage docker container with alpine as base to minimize the size
[X] non-root user running in the container [X] Dockerhub repo automatic builds
[ ] Orchestrate the app with kubernetes
[ ] Templated the deployment with helm
[ ] Automated the complete deployment with a bash script
[ ] Ingress load balancer with nginx-ingress
[ ] TLS support with cert-manager
[ ] Upgrade cert-manager to latest build
[ ] Kubernetes StateFulSet
[ ] Kubernetes namespaces
[ ] Kubernetes rbac
[ ] Postgresql for persistent data
[ ] Redis for caching
[ ] ELK stack for logging
[ ] Prometheus for monitoring?
[ ] Unittests
[ ] Jenkins CI pipeline
[ ] Deployment with Spinnaker


Flask demo app on kubernetes






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