A minimal Electron application to run and display the output of open-interpreter this is a work in progress and was intended to be my entry for the lablab.ai open-interpreter 24hour hackathon
link to entry here: https://lablab.ai/event/open-interpreter-hackathon/big-full-stack-gamers/electerpreter-open-interpreter-electron-app
- Runs open-interpreter within an electron app
- Displays the output of open-interpreter
- Allows for the user to send an input to open-interpreter
- Uses Open-Interpreter to automatically execute code that the llm comes up with
- have a spefic argument to send to open-interpreter so that it knows that we are using the electron app and not the cli may make it easier to use
- a way to change the arguments in the spawned process of open-interpreter
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
# For windows
$ npm run build:win
# For macOS
$ npm run build:mac
# For Linux
$ npm run build:linux
if you want to use this application it is currently setup to run the open-interpreter cli with the specific aruements i use for testing which are
$ open-interpreter --context_window 2042 -y
this can be changed on line 13 of the preload.js file, you will need to set your environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY