The most interactive, resourceful, beginner-friendly, and advanced Data Structures and Algorithm course in Bangla. This course is divided into two parts. We won't discriminate between Data Structures and Algorithms because they are intertwined. So we will learn them together.
80% of our common problems can be solved by 20% of data structures and algorithms. The most complex 20% of problems can be solved by other advanced data structures. In the first part (Linear), we will learn commonly used data structures and algorithms. The second part will cover advanced data structures and algorithms less commonly used. Nonetheless, both content will remain in the same repository.
The course is not just about data structures or algorithms. Instead, it combines,
- Computer Science Fundamental
- Data Structures
- Algorithms
- Problem Solving
- Competitive Programming
- Algorithm Design
Each lecture will be divided into two parts, theory and practice. During the live session, we will use JavaScript practically, but the theory remains the same regardless of vertical. We will provide examples in six different languages, for example. Pseudo Code, JavaScript, Python, Java, C/C++, and Golang.
This course will be offered as a freemium model, similar to the full-stack army. Some seats will be reserved for paid students. They will have exclusive access to live classes, assignments, and mentorships on a one-to-one basis. However, all other materials, such as videos and source codes, will be publicly available.
Prerequisite: Basic understanding of Object-Oriented Programming and must be comfortable with programming fundamentals.
There will be 24 classes in the first part with the following topics,
- Introduction to DSA
- Pseudo Code and Flow Chart
- Algorithm Analysis
- Problem Solving
- Stack
- Queue
- Double-ended Queue
- Priority Queue
- Structures of an Array
- Array Algorithms
- Searching Algorithms
- Sorting Algorithms I
- Matrix
- Recursion
- Divide & Conquer
- Sorting Algorithm II
- Linked Lists
- Sets
- Hash Table
- Hash Map
There will be 16-20 classes in the second part with the following topics,
- Greedy Algorithms
- Dynamic Programmings
- Binary Search Tree
- Pre-order, Post-order, and In-order
- AVL Tre
- Trie
- Heap
- Heap Sort
- Backtracking
- Graph
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Shortest Path
- Topological Sort
- Directed Graph
SPECIAL NOTES: We will provide 5-6 selected problems for a particular topic from different online judges for practice and as an assignment.