My personal dotfiles for my linux installations. Feel free to use them but beware - they may not suit your needs.
The repo is currently organized in the following way:
- git: global git config
- gtk: gtk configuration
- i3: A tiling window manager
- redshift: shifting colors after sunset
- terminator: terminal emulator configuration
- tmux: terminal multiplexing
- vim: config for vi improved.
- weechat: A irc client for the command line
- zsh: zshell settings and aliases
The dotfiles are managed with gnu stow (thanks @xero for pointing out that possibility). Gnu stow is a symlink farm manager.
dnf -y install stow
After that you have to navigate in your repo with the dotfiles. In my case this would be /home/mrtn/.dotfiles
Then you can install the settings stow zsh
Now you are ready to roll. ;)
- Install vundle
- vim +PluginInstall +qall
Check the official documentation. The plugin is maintained by Bruce Li.
- The colors-section provides solarized colors to the window borders and the status bar.
- wallpaper: I backup my wallpaper via dropbox. That way i can use it on every computer. So to use my config, you have to change the path to the wallpaper accordingly.
- The i3lock script sets a fixed image as lockscreen. To change that, you have to modify the path pointing to a picture on your machine.