Title: Java-based CRUD Operations on FreshFood Database via Command Line/Terminal
Steps to Run the Project:
- Open the current working directory in IntelliJ or Eclipse IDE.
- Run Main.java file.
- If jdk is not configured, execute the following commands in the command prompt:
javac Main.java
java -classpath <path-of-ojdbc8->; Main
For example:
java -classpath C:/Users/mrunmai/IdeaProjects/db1/src/ojdbc8-; Main
Table of Contents:
- Main.java
- menu.java
- searchMenu.java
- updateMenu.java
- analyseMenu.java
- DatabaseConn.java
This command-line program offers menu-driven CRUD operations. Users can search for employee or customer details, update order information, and obtain reports on order details, monthly sales, delivery details, and product details.
File: menu.java
Search Functionality: Allows users to search for employee or customer details based on ID, name, or view all records.
Update Functionality: Supports updating order details, payment methods, and delivery details based on user input.
Analyze Functionality: Offers various analytical reports, including order analysis, monthly sales, street-wise deliveries, and daily maximum sales.
This file serves as the connection link between the database and the terminal. It handles JDBC connection, user authentication, and contains business logic for CRUD operations. The closeConnection
method can be called anytime to close the connection.
Note: Ensure the ojdbc8- is added to project dependencies before running the project.