1.7.4 (2023-05-24)
Bug Fixes
fix after hook not work problem (3f22037 )
fix updateGroupConfig not work problem (ff86b84 )
fix website title with global config (0922f83 )
fix will input enter when send image with enter key (98e78e2 )
add cache refresh when load user popover (0b116e5 )
add group data get and save action in group.extra (d83300e )
add multi line support for chatbox (7b17614 )
add regPluginGroupConfigItem (41cdfb0 )
add sender nickname in wxpusher (5b238bf )
add welcome plugin for user which can send welcome message when user join group (dbebbc5 )
admin-next: add custom dashboard (4ee2fa8 )
admin-next: add custom translation (ba28719 )
admin-next: add mail (60b050d )
admin-next: add reset password (26f4c6a )
cli: add smtp tools which help user positioning issue (e357d2e )
Performance Improvements
admin-next: optimize mongodb's performance on statistical quantities (11154f7 )
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