transforms a src directory into a github hosted gh-pages branch.
npm i --save mspg/core
mspg comes as a single executable file.
mspg [TASKS]...
available tasks:
clean - deletes the public directory
build - builds the src dir to public
serve - serves the public dir
zip - gzips the public dir using zopfli
connect - connects the git repository to it's gh-pages branch
publish - publishes the current HEAD to github/gitlab pages
help - this help text
# production build
NODE_ENV=production mspg clean build zip
# development (build files, watch for changes, and serve them on localhost:3000)
mspg build serve watch
a minimal example app is in the example directory of this repository, using config.js from the root directory
the example app is published to the gh-pages branch. it is hosted @
writing transpilers for any kind of toolchain is pretty easy, just have a look at the examples below to get started if you want to use another toolchain. every transpiler also includes a minimal example project in the example directory.
both html toolchains below follow the same rules:
every *.html file in the src/ directory is a page and gets transpiled to public/
every includes/html/*.extension file is an include file and can be included using /filename.extension
every includes/html/*.extension file can also be a template file. using extend you can reuse a html template in both pug and posthtml.
- stylus
- postcss - soon
- babel
- rollup - soon