A platform for monitoring democratic elections and fighting online disinformation.
- core contains the code for data collection
- ui contains the code for the UI, it can be automatically deployed to gh-pages. you can also use the original UI client if you deployed your own core collection by changing the access URL to your own.
For a full description, please check the work on which Election Watch is based: MSc Thesis, Twitter Watch's paper.
Since election watch can be deployed in many contexts, this section will be used to list them and the precise code they used, in reverse chronological order:
Event | From | To | Code | Dataset | Dataset contents | Archived endpoint |
Portuguese Presidential Elections, Jan 24th 2021 | Sep 2nd 2020 | Jan 30th 2021 | v1.0 | Dataset | Twitter(tweets=57 155 221 , users=1 115 491 ) |
election-watch-portugal-presidentials-2021 |
When you use any of these datasets on your work, please cite the thesis this is all based on, here's the bibtex
title={High-level Approaches to Detect Malicious Political Activity on Twitter},
author={Miguel Sozinho Ramalho},
Deploy UI to gh-pages
- setup with
npm run install
- update nuxt.config.js with your gh-pages/repo info
- deploy to gh-pages
npm run generate:gh-pages && npm run deploy
Docker compose deploy
cp example.env .env
and editdocker-compose up
for detached mode)--noIndexRestore
Handling mongo dumps
Dumps can be made with ```bash mongodump --uri="mongodb://localhost:27017/DATABASE_NAME" --gzip -o dump_folder ```After you download the mongodump zip (in this case from google drive) do
# windows
mongorestore --uri="mongodb://localhost:27017/" /d ew_db .\election-watch-folder\ --gzip
# linux
mongorestore --uri="mongodb://localhost:27017/" -d ew_db ./election-watch-folder --gzip
is the folder inside the unzipped directory you have downloaded (contains .bson
files). ew_db
is the name you want your database to have
The current implementation imposes a 30 time to live (ttl) on the tweets collection for storage optimization purposes, hence it is advisable that you either import without indexes (some are useful like the index on tweets.user
) or delete the created_at
index before performing any operation. To import without indexes just append the --noIndexRestore
For password protected do:
mongorestore -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase admin --uri="mongodb://localhost:27017/" -d ew_db ./election-watch-folder
is typically root
Check pre-commit.com for more pre-commit functionality and then add it to the pre-commit config file.
To run, execute pre-commit run --all-files
Useful MongoDB queries
- database current size in GB
db.stats(1024*1024*1024).dataSize + " GB";
- get the top 50 mentions after a given date:
{$match: {"original": true}},
{$unwind: '$user_mentions'},
{ $group: {
_id: '$user_mentions',
count: {$sum: 1}
-- count: {$sum: { $add : ['$favorite_count', '$retweet_count']}}
{$sort: {count: -1}},
{$limit: 50},
{ $project: { count: 1, _id: '$_id' }}
]).map(x=>x._id + " - " + db.getCollection('users').find({_id: x._id}).map(y=>y.screen_name) + " - " + x.count).reduce((acc, prev) => acc + "\n" + prev)
- get the top 50 hashtags by either impact (retweets + favorites) or just appearance count
{$match: {"original": true}},
{$unwind: '$hashtags'},
{ $group: {
_id: '$hashtags',
count: {$sum: 1}, // em quantos originais aparecem
countWeight: {$sum: { $add : ['$favorite_count', '$retweet_count']}} // retweets+favorite
{$project: {
impact: { $divide: [ "$countWeight", "$count" ] },
count: 1, countWeight: 1, _id: '$_id'
{$match: {count : {$gte: 100}}},
{$sort: {impact: -1}}, {$limit: 50},
{ $project: { count: 1, countWeight: 1, impact: 1, _id: '$_id'}}
]).map(x=>"#" + x._id + "(" + x.impact + ") - " + x.count + " - " + x.countWeight).reduce((acc, prev) => acc + "\n" + prev)
- unset a given property(ies):
db.getCollection('users').update({}, {$unset: {private: 1, time_private: 1}}, {multi: true})
- get large contributors not in seed:
db.getCollection('users').count({followers_count: {$gt: 500000}, depth: {$gt: 0}})
- find tweets with a given hashtag(s) on a given date range
db.getCollection('tweets').find({"created_at": {$gte: new Date("2020-09-18"), $lt: new Date("2020-09-19")}, hashtags: {$in: ["HASHTAG"]}})
- get list of ids from a query
db.getCollection('users').find({followers_count: {$gte: 100000}}, {_id: 1}).map(function(item){ return item._id; }).reduce(function(acc, prev){return acc + "," + prev})
- get users with >= 100k followers and their follows_political, follows_news count
db.getCollection('users').find({followers_count: {$gte: 100000}, depth: {$gt: 0}}).map(x=>x.screen_name + " - " + x.follows_political + " - " + x.follows_news);
db.getCollection('tweets').find({hashtags: {$exists: true}})
.forEach(function(tweet) {
tweet.hashtags = tweet.hashtags.map(function(h) {
return h.toLowerCase();
"count_parsed_tweets": {"$gte": 25},
"most_common_language": {"$not": {"$in": ["pt", "und"]}},
$and: [
{$or: [
{follows_political: {$lte: 2}},
{follows_political: {$exists: false}}
{"$or": [
{"tweeted_languages.pt": {"$exists": false}},
{"tweeted_languages.pt": {"$lte": 5}}
})//.limit(200).map(x=>x.screen_name + ":" + x.follows_political + "," + x.follows_news + " - " + x.description).reduce((acc, prev) => acc + "\n" + prev)