What can science funding agencies do to improve the quality of the scientific work they fund? They can change how much they give to award recipients, or the policy of whom to give awards to. We show that the proper choice of how much and to whom depends on cultural factors of a scientific field: how often negative results are published and how good is peer review.
To run the model first you must get and build the code. To do that you need
to get the D compiler installed, called dmd
. On macOS, type brew install dmd
into the terminal and press enter. We use
dub to build our compiled executable,
so get dub installed by following the instructions at the link.
When all this is done, fetch the code by cloning this repository,
then cd scimod-agency
and build the code by running dub build
. Run the
unit tests using dub test
The scimod-agency
executable prints its help like so
./scimod-agency -h
./scimod-agency WRITE_DIR <OPTIONS>
--nTrials Number of trials to run (default 10)
--baseRate Base rate of true hypotheses (default 0.1)
--awardAmount Amount given to grant-winning lab in a timestep (default 50)
--initialFalsePositiveRate False positive rate of all PIs at t=0 (default 0.05)
--fprMutationRate How often the false positive rate mutates (default 0.25)
--publishNegativeResultRate Rate that negative results are published (default 0.0)
--fprMutationMagnitude Std. dev. of the false positive mutations (default 0.01)
--falsePositiveDetectionRate Std. dev. of the false positive mutations (default 0.01)
-h --help This help information.
There is a command line option to pass a comma-separated tuple of the four
parameters we varied in our experiments. The four in order are policy, award
amount, negative results publishing rate, and false positive detection rate.
This option is meant to be used in conjunction with the script to make files
with one parameter tuple on each line, experiment_makeparams.sh
./experiment_makeparams.sh | cat > finaldraft-params.txt
1452 parameter combinations are contained in finaldraft-params.txt
Because the MERCED cluster limits the number of jobs allowed in a job array to
1000, we split the finaldraft-params.txt
in two:
tail -n452 finaldraft-params.txt > finaldraft-params-2.txt
Job arrays make submitting many parameter combinations easy. With the parameter files set up using the above instructions, we submit the jobs to the cluster in two steps:
sbatch --array=1-1000 experiment.sh finaldraft-params.txt
sbatch --array=1-452 experiment.sh finaldraft-params-2.txt
It is somewhat sloppy, but for other parameter sensitivity analysis, we just
commented out a block of code in experiment.sh
Currently there is a process that must be done to convert the directory of
JSONs created by the distributed model runs into a single HDF. It should be
changed to be submitted to the scheduler asap; it can be multithreaded. See
To run,
python json_to_hdf.py path/to/jsons/dir new.hdf
Doing this on the cluster, you need to submit it as a job to the queue, like so
sbatch json_to_hdf_slurm.sh ~/scr/scimod-baseRate0.5/ ~/scr/scimod-baseRate0.5.hdf
for example.
The HDF can be read as an ExperimentData
from experiment_data import ExperimentData
ed = ExperimentData('new.hdf')
This object takes advantage of Python indexing ordered as policy
, pubneg_rate
, and fpdr
. For example,
policy = 'FPR'; award_amount = 10; pubneg_rate = '0.10'; fpdr = '0.10'
measures = ed[policy, award_amount, pubneg_rate, fpdr]
assert list(measures.keys()) == [
'falseDiscoveryRate', 'falsePositiveRate', 'meanFunds', 'meanPublications',
'medianFunds', 'medianPublications', 'sumFunds', 'sumPublications'
In our first round of experiments, we tested only very simple strategies the
funding agency would use for deciding which PI received a grant: totally
random, given to PI with best methodological integrity in a random sample of ten
as evidenced by lowest false positive rate,
and given to the PI with the most publications in a random sample of ten.
In addition to these, we considered the modified random and mixed funding
strategies. In the modified random strategy, a PI is only qualified for
receiving a grant if its false positive rate is not greater than some threshold
value we call A in the paper. In that strategy the grant is awarded at
random to one qualified PI. In the mixed strategy, the grant is awarded to
the PI with the best methodological integrity a fraction
These experiments required us to add an additional parameter, --policyParam
set to zero by default. It is only used if one of the two new policies are
specified, indicated by strings MODIFIED_RANDOM
. We also enabled
the policyParam
to be passed as a fifth comma-separated value in the
option, e.g. --paramsList=MIXED,85,0.3,0.3,0.8
says use the
mixed funding strategy, funding per grant of 85, peer review efficacy and
publication rate of negative results of 0.3, and the policyParam
In our experiments with these we generate .txt lists of comma-separated parameters
used in submitting an array job to the Slurm cluster. Generate the .txt files
and submit the jobs using the following lines of code. Check that the length of
the .txt files is 484. Make an appropriately-named directory in scratch, follow
the examples in experiment.sh
and put that directory name in the appropriate
place. There is certainly a better way to streamline all this; we or others
will do that later if it makes sense to.
# Build parameter lists, one for each funding strategy.
./experiment_makeparams_suppPolicies_modran.sh > modran-final-params.txt
./experiment_makeparams_suppPolicies_mixed.sh > mixed-final-params.txt
# Submit jobs to the cluster.
sbatch --array=1-484 experiment.sh modran-final-params.txt
sbatch --array=1-484 experiment.sh mixed-final-params.txt
Then when it's time to analyze the results, there is not yet a converter to
HDF. Nonetheless, the process is zippy. scp
the two directories with 484
JSONs. Let's say you do that and now the two directories are modran-dir
. Here's how to load the JSONs from each of these directories into
one single JSON, then pass with the right auxiliary arguments to the heatmap
plotting routine. I just executed this in an IPython shell.
Loading each JSON takes well over a minute on my MacBook Pro.
from vis import all_supplemental_policy_heatmaps, _make_json_dict
# Pre-process 2x484 JSON: calculate avg final FPR and final FDR across dims.
jd_modran = _make_json_dict('modran-dir')
jd_mixed = _make_json_dict('mixed-dir')
# Peer review efficacy and negative publishing rates, equal in this experiment.
fpdr_npr_rates = np.arange(0.0, 1.01, 0.1)
# Can specify different scales for each strategy. We use the same scale here.
policy_params_dict = {
'MODIFIED_RANDOM': fpdr_npr_rates,
'MIXED': fpdr_npr_rates
# Could have also created JSONs using this method, so it returns them back
# unchanged. This will create 16 heatmap figures saved to
# os.path.expanduser('~/workspace/papers/sciencefunding/Figures/') -- not
# useful to most. You might have to make some changes to change this behavior
# more easily. 16 = 4 funding per grant values x 2 funding strategies x 2
# measures of research quality (ave FPR and FDR).
jd_modran, jd_mixed = all_supplemental_policy_heatmaps(
json_dict_modran=jd_modran, json_dict_mixed=jd_mixed,
fpdr_npr_rates=fpdr_npr_rates, policy_params_dict=policy_params_dict
We have generated a supplement that demonstrates model convergence and that our choice of base rate and selection process do not influence our results. Below I briefly explain these checks further as I show you how the checks were done and visualized using the software in this repository.
One colleague who graciously reviewed a preliminary version of the paper claimed
his base rate was 0.5. On our view, a base rate of 0.1 may be inflated for
most fields/researchers. In any case, we thought since 0.5 is on the extreme
end of reasonable, we'll use that. For testing this parameter setting, we
clumsily copy/pasted the single-line block of a bash command in experiment.sh
commented out the original, and added the option --baseRate=0.5
to the
command block. See experiment.sh
for this command, which itself is now
commented out.
Another colleague helpfully suggested we use an alternative selection method.
Our original selection method was to select ten PIs at random, then the one
with the most publications of the ten reproduced. This alternative selection
method our colleague called "Wright-Fisher", so we did too. Here we see the
beauty of D in the implementation of Wright-Fisher selection in source/app.d
reproducingIdx = dice(pis.map!"a.publications");
So, the PI is selected at random with probability equal to the number of its
publications divided by the sum of publications over all PIs. A short aside
on what's going on to help with D: map
is not a
method of pis
, which is just an array of PI
instances, i.e. PI[]
. No,
instead this is D's universal function call syntax (UFCS), where pis
is actually the
first (and in this case only) argument to map
which can be found in the standard library's
module. Since pis
is the only argument, no parentheses are
needed at the end of this function call in D. If there were more arguments,
they would go in parentheses after the second quote.
The bang, !
, indicates the start of a template
argument, which can be a string that defines a function, in this case
. Making alternative choices for both UFCS and string
definition of the anonymous function template argument, we get,
reproducingIdx = dice(map!(anonFuncVar => anonFuncVar.publications)(pis));
where anonFuncVar
is arbitrary. In the string version, one must
use a
as the first function argument.
Back to the experiment in the paper, we tested Wright-Fisher selection
with a base rate of 0.1 and 0.5. These commented-out calls to ./scimod-agency
(the old name of the repo/program) can be found in experiment.sh
. To use
the Wright-Fisher selection instead of the best of random ten, add the option
to your ./scimod-agency