A modified version of Kahn's algorithm for topological sorting to resolve dependencies of asynchronous tasks.
The goal of this package is to resolve dependencies of asynchronous tasks described with a Directed Acyclic Graph. Tasks are defined with functions that return promises and we are aiming to find an ordering of the tasks with the least overall wait time possible.
The following defines a new node named title
with a function
to run with respect to task dependencies.
Provided functions are expected to return a promise when finished.
addNode(title, function)
const Promise= require("bluebird");
const depResolver= require("dep-resolver");
const a= depResolver.addNode("a", function (){ return Promise.delay(5000)});
const b= depResolver.addNode("b", function (){ return Promise.delay(3000)});
const c= depResolver.addNode("c", function (){ return Promise.delay(2000)});
console.log("sorted nodes:", _.map(sorted, "title"));