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High level Neo4j graph database client for Pharo and Squeak


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High level Neo4j graph database client for Pharo and Squeak


  • Basic http client
  • Object level interfaces for interacting database elements (Node, Relationship, etc) easily
  • Support executing Cypher queries dynamically


Metacello new
  baseline: 'Neo4reSt';
  repository: 'github://mumez/Neo4reSt/repository';

Note on tests

Before running test cases in 'Neo4reSt-Tests', you need to configure N4GraphDbTest class>>defaultSettings according to your Neo4j environment. Please edit and evaluate N4GraphDbTest class>>initSettingsExample.

Basic usages

In Neo4j web console:

:play movie-graph

This will open the instruction for populating sample Movie Graph data.

Then, in Smalltalk Playground (Workspace):

db := N4GraphDb new.
db settings username: 'neo4j'; password: 'neoneo'.
db allLabels. "Get all node labels"

"Print 'Movie' node properties"
(db nodesLabeled: 'Movie') 
   do: [ :each | Transcript cr; show: each properties ].

Get node with where:

matrix := (db nodesLabeled: 'Movie' where: [:each | each @ 'title' = 'The Matrix']) first.
matrix properties.

Get relationships

matrix inRelationships.
matrix outRelationships.

(matrix inRelationshipsTyped: 'ACTED_IN')
  collect: [:each | each tailNode @ 'name']. 

Get relationships with where:

(matrix inRelationshipsTyped: 'ACTED_IN' where: [ :start :rel :end | (rel @ 'roles') = #('Neo') ])
  collect: [ :each | each tailNode properties ].

Create nodes

sf := db mergeNodeLabeled: 'Genre' properties: {'name'->'SF'. 'description'->'Science Fiction'}.
action := db mergeNodeLabeled: 'Genre' properties: {'name'->'Action'. 'description'->'Exciting Actions'}. 

Create relationships

matrixToSf := matrix relateOneTo: sf typed: 'HAS_GENRE' properties: {'score'-> 6}.
matrixToAction := matrix relateTo: action typed: 'HAS_GENRE' properties: {'score'-> 7}. 
matrix outRelationships collect: [ :each | each properties ]. "Now you can get genre relationships"

Execute Cypher directly

db runCypher: 'UNWIND range(1, 10) AS n RETURN n*n'. "inspect it"

resp := db runCypher: 'UNWIND range($from, $to) AS n RETURN n*n' 
         arguments: {'from'->2. 'to'->5}. 
resp values. "print it"

Execute dynamically generated Cypher

m := 'm' asCypherIdentifier. "Movie"
p := 'p' asCypherIdentifier. "Person"
o := 'o' asCypherIdentifier. "Other person"

pathPattern := (p node: 'Person') - ('act1' asCypherIdentifier rel: 'ACTED_IN' ) -> (m node: 'Movie' props: {'released'->2000})  <- ('act2' asCypherIdentifier rel: 'ACTED_IN' ) - (o node: 'Person').

actorNameParam := 'actorName' asCypherParameter.
where := (p @ 'name') starts: actorNameParam.
"where := ((p @ 'born') > 1970) and: ((o @ 'born') > 1970). " " <= try changing"

return := (p @ 'name'), (o @ 'name'), (m @ 'title').

query := CyQuery match: pathPattern where: where return: return orderBy: (p @ 'name') skip: 0 limit: 100. "print it"

result := db runCypher: query arguments: { actorNameParam -> 'Tom' }.
(result values groupedBy: [ :each | each at: 1 ]). "inspect it"

Changing IP and port

db := N4GraphDb new.
db settings rootUri: ''.

Other Documents


High level Neo4j graph database client for Pharo and Squeak








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