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RoboVM iOS Bindings

A collection of third party bindings for RoboVM iOS.

How do I use these bindings?

  1. Fetch this repository or download it as a zip.

  2. Import the project of the binding you want into Eclipse.

  3. Add that project to the build path of your main RoboVM project.

  4. Open the robovm.xml file of the binding and your main RoboVM project.

  5. Copy the <libs>, <frameworks>, <weakFrameworks> and <resources> section to your project’s robovm.xml file and update the paths to correctly point to the linked files.

  6. To find out how to use the binding take a look at its Sample class for basic usage and take a look at the original documentation of the framework or SDK.

How do I create a binding?

When you want to create a binding, you should have a basic knowledge of the syntax of Objective-C. Also it wouldn’t hurt if you know how to use Xcode and how static libraries work.
This tutorial will guide you in creating a fully working binding of the Google Mobile Ads iOS SDK.

Analyzing the framework or SDK

First of all, let’s get the AdMob iOS SDK from here:
Unpack the zip file and check it’s contents. You will see lots of .h files and one .a file.
The .h files are header files, which expose all accessible interfaces, methods and properties. We will use these files to create our bindings.
The .a file is comparable to an archive file. It contains multiple versions of the static library for the Ads SDK.
There is also an additional add-ons folder with more header and library files that we can create bindings for.
Also check the readme file, which gives you a clue on the required iOS version and where you can find more info on using the library.

Creating a binding project

Now that you have the necessary files and information, you can start creating the binding project.
In Eclipse create a new RoboVM iOS project called „admob-ios“. You can now specify the main class, app name and app id for the project. We will create a sample class to test the binding, so let’s specify org.robovm.bindings.admob.sample.Sample under main class.

Please always adopt the RoboVM bindings namespace for consistency:


The app name becomes „Admob Sample“ and the app id just „admob“.
Leave the other settings as they are and finish the setup.

Open up the newly created project and add the missing packages and the Sample class.

package org.robovm.bindings.admob.sample;

import org.robovm.cocoatouch.uikit.UIApplication;
import org.robovm.cocoatouch.uikit.UIApplicationDelegate;

public class Sample extends UIApplicationDelegate.Adapter {
	public void didFinishLaunching (UIApplication application) {

	public static void main (String[] argv) {
		NSAutoreleasePool pool = new NSAutoreleasePool();
		UIApplication.main(argv, null, Sample.class);

Copy the library archive file (*.a) into the libs folder of your binding project.

Now we are ready to create the bindings!

Binding classes

First of all we will create a Java class for every Objective-C interface. Typically this is one class per header file.
To be sure, open up each header (.h) file and check if it contains a line starting with @interface. The name after @interface will become the class name, the name after : will become the extended class and the name(s) between the angle brackets <> (if any) will become implemented interfaces.
The syntax would look like this:

@interface ClassName : ExtendedClassName<ImplementedInterfaceName>

In our case this will be:

  • class GADAdMobExtras extends NSObject implements GADAdNetworkExtras
  • class GADBannerView extends UIView
  • class GADInterstitial extends NSObject
  • class GADRequest extends NSObject implements NSCopying
  • class GADRequestError extends NSError

Create those classes inside the org.robovm.bindings.admob package. Add the @NativeClass annotation to each of this classes. This marks the classes as native Objective-C classes.

Example GADBannerView:

public class GADBannerView extends UIView {


Binding methods

Let’s dive deeper into the header file of GADBannerView. Open the file in Eclipse. The information we need here starts after the line with @interface.
For simplicity let’s copy the whole section until the end of the file into our corresponding Java class. We can now bind part after part and delete the Objective-C code after done.

You can remove the #pragma mark. These are just for structuring the header file. Important for us are those lines that start with a - or a +.

- = instance methods
+ = static methods

For example, let’s bind this method:

- (void)loadRequest:(GADRequest *)request;

This method is an instance method (-), it’s selector/name is loadRequest:, it has one parameter GADRequest request and the return type is void.

In RoboVM we can bind this method like so:

@Method(selector = "loadRequest:")
public native void loadRequest(GADRequest request);

Congratulations! You have now successfully bound your first method.
Some things to keep in mind:

The selector name can be multiple parts long. In the following example the selector is marked bold:

- (void)setLocationWithLatitude:(CGFloat)latitude longitude:(CGFloat)longitude accuracy:(CGFloat)accuracyInMeters;

Use Java Bean naming conventions for consistency. Shorten long method names. The example above in Java would be:

@Method(selector = "setLocationWithLatitude:longitude:accuracy:")
public native void setLocation(float latitude, float longitude, float accuracyInMeters);

Binding constructors

Constructors can be identified because of their init in the selector and/or of the id return type. For example:

- (id)initWithAdSize:(GADAdSize)size;

You can bind this constructor like any other method but need to use the return type long and the annotation @Pointer.

@Method(selector = "initWithAdSize:")
private native @Pointer long init(GADAdSize size);

Make that method private because we don’t want anyone to manually init the object.
Next you need to create the Java constructor with the same parameters and call that init method inside the inherited initObject(long) method.

public GADBannerView(GADAdSize size) {

Note the super constructor call. This is necessary because otherwise Java would also call the default constructor and initialize our Objective-C object twice.

Binding properties

Let’s bind the following property:

@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *adUnitID;

The selector of this property is adUnitID and its type is NSString.
We can create a getter and a setter method via the @Property annotation:

@Property(selector = "adUnitID")
public native String getAdUnitID ();

@Property(selector = "setAdUnitID:")
public native void setAdUnitID (String id);

Note that we add set and : to the selector of the setter.
We can also directly return String instead of NSString. RoboVM automatically converts it for us.

There are a few things we need to keep an eye on:

@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasAutoRefreshed;

We can only create a getter for this, as it has the readonly modifier.

@property(nonatomic, assign) NSObject<GADBannerViewDelegate> *delegate

When binding delegate properties or other weak/assign properties, we need to retain a strong reference of them, otherwise we will get memory issues and app crashes:

@Property(selector = "delegate")
public native GADBannerViewDelegate getDelegate();
@Property(selector = "setDelegate:", strongRef = true)
public native void setDelegate(GADBannerViewDelegate delegate);

HINT: You can leave out the selector parameter, if you name the property methods with getProperty/isProperty and setProperty. The example above would still work, if we hadn’t specified the selector parameter.

Binding enums

In Objective-C there are typically two ways to define enums.
In GADRequest.h we find this:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, GADGender) {
  kGADGenderUnknown,  ///< Unknown gender.
  kGADGenderMale,     ///< Male gender.
  kGADGenderFemale    ///< Female gender.

This is actually the same as:

typedef enum {
  kGADGenderUnknown,  ///< Unknown gender.
  kGADGenderMale,     ///< Male gender.
  kGADGenderFemale    ///< Female gender.
} GADGender;

We can bind this as a Java valued enum:

public enum GADGender implements ValuedEnum {

  private final long n;
  private GADGender (long n) {
    this.n = n;

  public long value () {
    return n;

The names of the enum constants is unimportant but the order and value is not. It can happen that some enum constants have the same value as other constants in Objective-C, thus they need to have the same value in Java.
For example:

kGADExampleEmpty = 0,
kGADExampleError = kGADExampleFalse,
kGADExampleNetworkError = 1 | (1 << 9)

In Java:

NetworkError(1 | (1 << 9))

Binding constants and global values

To be done…

Binding blocks

To be done…

Binding delegates

To be done…

Finishing the binding

To be done…

Creating a static library in Xcode

To be done…

Pull requests

When you submit a binding as a pull request be sure to use the following namespace:


Also please try to use Java naming conventions were applicable. For example:

typedef enum FBErrorCode {
    FBErrorInvalid = 0,
} FBErrorCode;


public enum FBErrorCode implements ValuedEnum {

    private final long n;

    private FBErrorCode (long n) {
        this.n = n;

    public long value () {
        return n;


A collection of third party bindings for RoboVM iOS







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