A server offering questions and validating answers.
The task is to convert quest tool to client-server architecture.
bundle install
2. running a server (by default on http://localhost:9292)
You should get an error saying
Exit code 404 (RuntimeError)
The client request for a question. The question has id, question and possible answers. When user selects the desired options, the client will send it to the server to validate the results.
JSON will be used as a format for the messages.
The questions will be offered randomly.
Sample request for a question:
GET /question
"id": 1,
"question": "What's the naming convention for local variables?",
"answers": [
Samle request for answers verification:
POST /answer
"id": 1,
"answers": [
{ "correct": true }
For getting the data use a part of the code of the quest repository