FSS implements a two-party Function Secret Sharing protocol that allows non-colluding parties to execute a function without knowing the original inputs of the user.
The inputs and the function are secret shared between the parties making it information therotic secure against an adversary (given the non-colluding assumption).
brew install openssl
cmake -S .. -B build
cd build
sudo make install
This will install the library at /usr/local/include/fss
#include <fss/fsscontext.hpp>
#include <fss/fssgenerator.hpp>
#include <fss/fssevaluator.hpp>
const auto fss_context = FSSContext::Create(plain_modulus, 10); // Creates a ring of size 2^10
FSSGenerator generator(fss_context); // Used for generating keys
ReLUKey key_p0, key_p1;
generator.relu(key_p0, key_p1);
FSSEvaluator evaluator_p0(fss_context, 0); // Used for evaluating the function
FSSEvaluator evaluator_p1(fss_context, 1); // Used for evaluating the function
const auto output_p0 = evaluator_p0.relu(key_p0, <masked_exchanged_input>);
const auto output_p1 = evaluator_p1.relu(key_p1, <masked_exchanged_input>);
const auto output = (output_p0 + output_p1) % plain_modulus; // Output of the function