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My solutions to Advent of Code 2021

SPOILER ALERT: This repository contains contest solutions. The solutions will be uploaded at least 30 minutes after the start of each day's contest.


By Day

Day Level 1 Rank Level 2 Rank Note
01 (Sonar Sweep) 3602 2000
02 (Dive!) 2719 1438
03 (Binary Diagnostic) 2266 372
04 (Giant Squid) 642 763
05 (Hydrothermal Venture) 506 418
06 (Lanternfish) 787 105
07 (The Treachery of Whales) 1207 421
08 (Seven Segment Search) 681 733
09 (Smoke Basin) 1712 1571
10 (Syntax Scoring) 599 466
11 (Dumbo Octopus) 1762 1553
12 (Passage Pathing) 721 1779
13 (Transparent Origami) 628 667
14 (Extended Polymerization) 379 2804
15 (Chiton) 3920 2898
16 (Packet Decoder) 1212 954
17 (Trick Shot) 129 2436
18 (Snailfish) 1033 1200
19 (Beacon Scanner) 10945 10675 Inefficient solution
20 (Trench Map) 255 263 Analysis TBD
21 (Dirac Dics) 546 1058 Analysis TBD
22 (Reactor Reboot) 1020 9160 Inefficient solution
23 (Amphipod) 13 1254 Inefficient solution; Part 1 originally done by hand
24 (Arithmetic Logic Unit) 1177 1073 Inefficient solution; Originally done by hand
25 (Sea Cucumber) 906 789 Analysis TBD

By Leaderboard (after Day 02)

Leaderboard Score Rank
Worldwide 88 >100
PyDis 45598 14
PyDis Staff 2988 2

How to Use this Repo?

  1. Create a config.yml in the root of this repository. Put your AoC token in. You can find the token when you inspect the request cookies on AoC's website when you're logged in. Put it in config.yml as:

      session: 'Your session key'
  2. Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies in requirements.txt

  3. To download an input, run python d <day>

  4. To print calculated result for part 1/2, run python p <day> 1|2

  5. To submit calculated result for part 1/2, run python s <day> 1|2


My solutions to Advent of Code 2021




