basically using web3 on Node js - javascript
Step 1: Install project packages > npm init Step 2: install WEB3 > npm i web3 Step 3: shifting to start writing node js > node Step 4: create Web3 Class > Web3 = require("web3") Step 5: Initialize web3 variable to be used in account creation > web3 = new Web3(); Step 6: Ethereum Wallet/Acc creation that you are going to get Address and private key > web3.eth.accounts.create();
Encrypt the Wallet and initialize in a variable Data > data = web3.eth.accounts.encrypt('wallet_address', "pwd");
Decrypting using the initializes password and the data variable carrying encrypted also you can test with wrong password > data = web3.eth.accounts.decrypt(data, "1234567");
Create multiple Wallets > web3.eth.accounts.wallet.create(required_number_of_wallets);