Instagraph is an Instagram Clone which I am practicing on a new concepts and other advanced Jetpack compose specific concepts.
The clone only contains the main screens of the original app, like :
- Splash
- Login As
- Home
- Search
- Notifications
- Chats
- Profile
But it should be enough to cover almost most of the concepts that you need to learn about Jetpack compose! 🤩 .
In this app, I used the following :
- MVVM architecture
- Jetpack Compose for UI
- CompositonLocalProvider
- State management
- Compose Navigation
- Compose animations
- Lottie animations
- Launched Effect
- Coroutines
- Hilt for Dependency Injection
- Timber for logging
- Accompanist PagerView for post images
- Accompanist PlaceHolder to show loading effect "Shimmer"
Please don't forget the stars amigo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
If you have any thoughts or need a help, connect with me on :
Happy coding !