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Moshi Gson interop Retrofit converter

A Retrofit converter that converts both Gson and Moshi models.

This tool can be used in the projec where both Gson and Moshi are present.

Note that, this won't work if a particular model class is mixed with both Gson and Moshi. This basically checks the root class of the response type and if it is a Gson model, all of its fields will also be parsed as Gson. And if it is a Moshi model, all of its fields will be parsed as Moshi


  1. Add to build.gradle:
allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependency
implementation 'com.github.muthuraj57:moshi-gson-interop-retrofit-converter:1.0.0'


Add the converter

    .addConverterFactory(MoshiGsonInteropConverterFactory(moshi, gson))

Note: If you already have added GsonConverterFactory and/or MoshiConverterFactory in the Retrofit builder, you should remove those.


data class GsonModel(val name: GsonName, val age: Int)

data class GsonName(val firstName: String, val lastName: String)

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class MoshiModel(val name: MoshiName, val age: Int)

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class MoshiName(val firstName: String, val lastName: String)

 private interface ApiService {
        fun getMoshiModel(): MoshiModel

        fun getGsonModel(): GsonModel

Here we have two APIs and the first one should be parsed with Moshi and the second one should be parsed with Gson. If GsonConverterFactory and/or MoshiConverterFactory are used independently without using MoshiGsonInteropConverterFactory, then all the models will be tried to parse from either Gson or Moshi(depending on the order you added the converters).

If you instead addd MoshiGsonInteropConverterFactory like this to the retrofit builder, both models can be parsed with the single Retrofit instance.

apiService.getGsonModel() //This works fine.

apiService.getMoshiModel() //This also works fine.