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go get
package main
import (
func main(){
// Specify your login credentials
username := "username"
apiKey := "apikey"
// Specify the numbers that you want to send to in a comma-separated list
// Please ensure you include the country code (+254 for Kenya in this case)
recipients := "+25470+++++++,+25475++++++";
// And of course we want our recipients to know what we really do
message := "Hello, world";
//Create instance of getWay
getWay := AfricasTalkingGateway.AfricasTalkingGateway(username,apikey)
//getWay := AfricasTalkingGateway.AfricasTalkingGateway(username,apikey,"sandbox")
//call sendMessage to handle sending the message
response,err := getWay.sendMessage(recipients,message)
//handle errors if encountered an error
if err!=nil{
//handle error
for _,receipient :=range response{
//get receipient data
//type assert to ensure receipient is a map
r:= receipient.(map[string]interface{})
fmt.Println("number :",r[number],"status :",r["status"])
- SMS ------------------------------------------------>Documentation
- Sending sms
- Fetching sms
- Sbscriptions --------------------------------------->Documentation
- Creating subscription
- Deleting subscription
- Fetching subscriptions
- Voice ---------------------------------------------->Documentation
- Making a call
- Fetching queued calls
- Uploading media file
- Airtime - buying airtime for a number -------------->Documentation
- Mpesa payments ------------------------------------->Documentation
- B2C
- B2B
- C2B
- AfricasTalking Doc Documentation
- Implementation Doc GoDoc
licensed under BSD-style license