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[doc] Mention installation of libarchive dependencies #764

[doc] Mention installation of libarchive dependencies

[doc] Mention installation of libarchive dependencies #764

Workflow file for this run

name: Tests
branches: '**'
tags-ignore: '**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.9'
- name: Install pip Dependencies
run: |
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --user fusepy pytest
- name: Style Check With Black
run: |
python3 -m pip install black
black -q --diff --line-length 120 --skip-string-normalization tests/*.py core/ratarmountcore/*.py > black.diff
if [ -s black.diff ]; then
cat black.diff
exit 123
- name: Lint With Flake8
run: |
python3 -m pip install flake8
flake8 --config tests/.flake8 *.py tests/*.py core/ratarmountcore/[^_]*.py
- name: Lint With Pylint
run: |
python3 -m pip install pylint
pylint --rcfile tests/.pylintrc *.py tests/*.py core/ratarmountcore/*.py | tee pylint.log
! 'egrep' ': E[0-9]{4}: ' pylint.log
- name: Lint With Pytype
run: |
python3 -m pip install pytype
pytype -d import-error -P$( cd core && pwd ):$( pwd ) core/ratarmountcore/*.py
- name: Lint With Mypy
run: |
yes | python3 -m pip install --upgrade-strategy eager --upgrade types-dataclasses mypy
mypy --config-file tests/.mypy.ini *.py core/ratarmountcore/*.py
yes | python3 -m pip uninstall types-dataclasses
- name: Lint With ShellCheck
run: |
sudo apt-get -y install shellcheck
shellcheck -e SC2064 tests/*.sh
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [macos-13, ubuntu-latest]
# macos-13 / macos-latest does not work anymore because the dependencies don't have any wheels,
# probaby because it is M1 based.
# ToDo: Add windows-latest but it requires a lot of setup of the dependencies!
# Maybe only test ratarmount-core without most dependencies after I have split that off.
# Oldest and newest versions should be enough. Python versions are supported 5 years from release date.
# 3.5 was released 2015-09-13 and end-of-life was 2020-09-13
# 3.6 was released 2016-12-23 and end-of-life was 2021-12-23
# 3.7 was released 2018-06-27 and end-of-life was 2023-06-27
# 3.8 was released 2019-10-14 and end-of-life will be 2024-10-14
# 3.9 was released 2020-10-05 and end-of-life will be 2025-10-25
# 3.10 was released 2021-10-04 and end-of-life will be 2026-10-04
# 3.11 was released 2022-10-24 and end-of-life will be 2027-10
# 3.12 was released 2023-10-02 and end-of-life will be 2028-10
# 3.13 is to be released 2024-10
python-version: ['3.8', '3.12']
# This is especially important for windows because it seems to default to powershell
shell: bash
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Print System Information
run: |
echo "uname -a: $( uname -a )"
echo "Shell: $SHELL"
echo "Cores: $( nproc )"
echo "Mount points:"; mount
- uses: msys2/setup-msys2@v2
if: startsWith( matrix.os, 'windows' )
install: gcc make liblzma-devel libzstd-devel zlib-devel
- name: Install Dependencies (Linux)
if: startsWith( matrix.os, 'ubuntu' )
run: |
# Libarchive calls the grzip, lrzip, lzop binaries for lrzip support. Others, such as bzip2, gzip, lz4, lzma,
# zstd, may also call external binaries depending on how libarchive was compiled!
# archive_read_support_filter_lrzip.c#L68
sudo apt-get -y install fuse bzip2 pbzip2 pixz zstd unar lrzip lzop
set -x
- name: Install Dependencies (MacOS)
if: startsWith( matrix.os, 'macos' )
run: |
# coreutils is required for the tests written in shell, e.g., for the 'realpath' command
# unar is required for rar tests with passwords. By default, bsdtar is installed but that is the only
# one of the three supported tools (the third is unrar) that does not support passwords.
# And the error message is atrocious:
# cmdline.extend(args)
# TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
brew install macfuse coreutils pixz pbzip2 zstd unar libarchive lrzip lzop
# Add brew installation binary folder to PATH so that command line tools like zstd can be found
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
- name: Install pip Dependencies
run: |
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade wheel
python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
python3 -m pip install --upgrade-strategy eager --upgrade cython twine build zstandard fusepy cffi
- name: Test Startup With Only One Compression Dependency
run: |
for module in indexed_gzip indexed_zstd lzmaffi python-xz; do
python3 -m pip install --upgrade "$module"
# Segfaults (139) are not allowed but other exit codes are valid!
# indexed_zstd=1.2.0 did segfault here!
python3 || [ $? != 139 ]
python3 -m pip uninstall --yes "$module"
python3 -m pip install --upgrade 'git+'
- name: Test ratarmountcore Installation From Tarball
working-directory: core
run: |
python3 -m build
twine check dist/*
python3 -m pip install "$( find dist -name '*.tar.gz' | head -1 )"[full]
- name: Test Installation From Tarball
run: |
python3 -m build
twine check dist/*
python3 -m pip install "$( find dist -name '*.tar.gz' | head -1 )"[full]
- name: Test Installation From Source
run: |
python3 -m pip install .[full]
- name: Test Simple Startup
run: |
ratarmount --help
ratarmount --version
- name: Test Simple Mount
# macOS 11+ is too uptight about "security" and is not able to fully load the macfuse kernel extension.
if: ${{ !startsWith( matrix.os, 'macos' ) }}
run: |
ratarmount tests/single-file.tar mimi
ls -la mimi
sleep 1s
# MacOS does not have fusermount!
ratarmount -u mimi
- name: Test Startup Without Compression Dependencies
if: ${{ !startsWith( matrix.os, 'macos' ) }}
run: |
# Segfaults (139) are not allowed but other exit codes are valid!
python3 tests/simple.bz2 || [ $? != 139 ]
- name: Unit Tests
run: |
python3 -m pip install pytest pytest-xdist
for file in core/tests/test_*.py tests/test_*.py; do
case "$file" in
if ! uname | 'grep' -q -i darwin; then
# First off, n=auto seems to use the physical cores and ignores virtual ones.
# Secondly, these tests scale much better than the others because most time is spent waiting for
# the FUSE mount point to appear or disappear, which doesn't seem to be bottlenecked by CPU usage.
python3 -X dev -W ignore::DeprecationWarning:fuse -u \
-c "import pytest, re, sys; sys.exit(pytest.console_main())" \
-n 16 --disable-warnings "$testFile" || returnError "$LINENO" 'pytest failed!'
echo "$file" # pytest-xdist seems to omit the test file name
pytest -n auto --disable-warnings "$file"
# Fusepy warns about usage of use_ns because the implicit behavior is deprecated.
# But there has been no development to fusepy for 4 years, so I think it should be fine to ignore.
pytest --disable-warnings "$file"
- name: Regression Tests
if: ${{ !startsWith( matrix.os, 'macos' ) }}
run: |
python3 tests/
bash tests/
- name: Module tests without fusepy
run: |
python3 -m pip uninstall -y fusepy
python3 tests/