Full-Stack Web Mailer Application README Overview This repository contains the source code for a full-stack web mailer application that I recently developed. The application serves as a comprehensive example of my studies, bringing together various technologies to create a functional and efficient mail management system.
Technologies Used Back-end: Node.js was employed for the back-end development, with Express used to build the API.
Mail Protocols: The application utilizes SMTP and IMAP protocols for sending and receiving emails.
Modules: Nodemailer, emailjs-imap-client, and mail parser modules were incorporated to implement the core functionalities related to mail handling.
Data Storage: NeDB was chosen for data storage, providing a lightweight and efficient solution for managing application data.
Front-end: The front-end of the application was developed using React, with Material-UI library offering a collection of React components to enhance the user interface.
Server Communication: Axios was employed for server communication, enabling seamless interaction between the front-end and back-end.
Setup Instructions are included within the README files present within each respective folder