Static data for, including postal codes and electoral districts. The data is versioned along with the script that fetched, processed, and mapped it.
- Clone the repository.
- Install dependencies.
- Run the script to see all supported commands.
git clone
cd postal-data
npm install
├── ED and MPP data fetched from Elections Ontario
│ ├── ed-raw.json Electoral District JSON data (ed-fetch)
│ ├── fsa-ed-k0a.json One JSON file per FSA, mapping to EDs (ed-mpp-search)
│ ├── fsa-ed-k0b.json
│ │ ...
│ ├── fsa-ed-p9n.json
│ ├── mpp-001.html One HTML file per ED, describing the MPP (mpp-fetch)
│ ├── mpp-002.html
│ │ ...
│ └── mpp-124.html
├── FSA HTML pages fetched from Wikipedia
│ ├── fsa-a.html One file per valid first letter (fsa-fetch)
│ ├── fsa-b.html
│ │ ...
│ └── fsa-y.html
├── ed.json ED JSON data enriched with MPP details (ed-mpp-enrich)
├── fsa.json FSA JSON data scraped from HTML pages (fsa-scrape)
├── fsa-ed.json Aggregated FSA-ED mappings (ed-mpp-aggregate)
├── ldu.json JSON list of all valid LDUs (ldu-generate)
└── postal-data.json Full data export (data-export)