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Automated Conflict Resolution Platform

Myklob edited this page Nov 11, 2023 · 1 revision

This groundbreaking platform heralds a new era in conflict resolution, introducing a systematic, discourse-driven approach inspired by Wikipedia's collaborative editing system. The proposed platform empowers individuals to actively participate in resolving conflicts, transcending mere dialogue facilitation by incorporating an organized framework that automates the resolution process.

Users engage by evaluating the potential benefits and drawbacks of each proposed solution. These assessments are guided by a rigorous grading system that meticulously scrutinizes the robustness of supporting data, the coherence of reasoning, and the pertinence of the information presented. This unwavering focus on empirical data and meticulous analysis underscores the platform's steadfast commitment to fostering well-informed resolutions.

At the core of this operation lies a dynamic interface that interweaves beliefs and contentions regarding the likelihood of each cost or benefit into an intricate matrix. Employing a ranking algorithm akin to Google's PageRank, the platform meticulously appraises and sequences conclusions based on the strength of the evidence supporting or challenging them. This ensures that whenever an underlying belief is challenged or endorsed, the platform recalibrates the relevance of all dependent conclusions. This responsive configuration guarantees that outcomes consistently align with the latest and most persuasive evidence.

This is how we’ll do it:

Online conflict resolution and arbitration techniques can be employed to foster democratic values, effective conflict resolution, and the selection of optimal policies. "Getting to Yes," a book by Roger Fisher and William Ury of the Harvard Negotiation Project, presents a method of "principled negotiation," often called "Conflict Resolution." The book provides a proven, step-by-step strategy for reaching mutually acceptable agreements in every conflict. Automating these steps through a well-designed web forum can enable the internet to support democracy rather than hinder it.

Moreover, we can combine online conflict resolution with Collective Intelligence techniques (not AI) and Google's PageRank algorithm to evaluate solutions, encourage reason, and build a better society.

By implementing the following conflict resolution methods, media platforms can facilitate more informed democratic interactions:

  1. Separate the people from the problem.
  2. Insist on using objective criteria.
  3. Focus on interests, not positions.
  4. Invent options for mutual gain.

These methods can foster more intelligent and respectful conversations online, leading to a better-informed citizenry, improved policies, and a stronger democracy.

Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube have organized issues chronologically and by their ability to control and manipulate our emotions. This organization has resulted in societal problems such as misinformation, echo chambers, and cyberbullying. More crucially, our reason-based approach to life gives way to emotion and manipulation.

Embracing more intentional strategies for open and transparent conflict resolution and dialogue on social media can help address these issues and promote healthier democratic interactions.

Automated conflict resolution is a promising tool for promoting democratic values and resolving online disputes. By using objective criteria, focusing on interests rather than positions, inventing options for mutual gain, evaluating solutions collectively (not artificially), and promoting reason through Google's PageRank algorithm, we can create a more intelligent and respectful online environment and evidence-based political parties.

Separate people from the Problems


Automated conflict resolution is a powerful tool that promotes democratic values, conflict resolution, and effective policy selection. One critical process involved in this approach is "Separate People from the Problem," which involves focusing on the issue at hand rather than being sidetracked by people and drama.

Why get bogged down in drama and gossip when we can zero in on the real issues? Political talks can turn into a sticky mess faster than you can say "filibuster." People tend to pick sides based on party loyalty, much like cheering for your home team, regardless of how badly they're playing. However, just as we can't improve our team's performance by overlooking their weaknesses, we can't make informed decisions without facing the facts. That's where well-designed online forums swoop in like superheroes. They separate the issues from the personalities and affiliations of those involved, so we can discuss the pros and cons in a structured way. By evaluating arguments based on their merits, not who's presenting them, we can sidestep biases and focus on the real issues at hand. It's like wearing a pair of 3D glasses that make all the distractions fade away, leaving only the core issues crystal clear.

Our approach dissects arguments into individual components and uses various algorithms, including natural language processing, machine learning, and logic, to scrutinize each element's strength. Breaking down arguments allows us to link the conclusion's power to the supporting evidence, ensuring that decisions are based on the best available information.

To ensure transparency, we provide an open process and show our math. Everyone can see how we arrived at our conclusions and evaluate the evidence's strength for themselves. It's like watching the replay of a game to see how a referee made a controversial call. We want everyone to see the evidence and draw their own conclusions, without hidden agendas or biases getting in the way.

So, join us in our mission to evaluate arguments effectively and make well-informed decisions based on facts, not theatrics. With our approach, we can concentrate on the issues that matter and find common ground—even in the most heated political food fights. We believe that our approach can help people make better decisions, based on facts and evidence, rather than on emotion or personal bias.


We can combine natural language processing (NLP), sentiment analysis, and topic modeling algorithms to separate people from the problem in an automated conflict resolution system. Here's a step-by-step process:

  1. Preprocessing: Clean and preprocess the text data from online discussions, removing irrelevant information like emojis, URLs, and special characters. We have already discussed addressing redundancy by developing "equivalency Scores" and identifying "better ways of saying the same thing."
  2. Topic Modeling: Apply topic modeling techniques, such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), to group related comments and identify the main themes or topics in the discussion. This allows the system to separate comments focused on the issues from those centered around personal drama.
  3. Sentiment Analysis: Use sentiment analysis to identify emotionally charged content. This can help detect and filter out personal attacks, aggressive language, and comments targeting individuals rather than focusing on the issue.
  4. Named Entity Recognition (NER): Employ NER algorithms to identify and extract personal names, organizations, and other entities. This can help detect comments that focus on individuals or groups rather than the issue itself. These comments can then be deprioritized or flagged for review.
  5. Argument Acceptance Consistency Tracking: When people indicate that they support arguments when they help their side, keeping track and showing users how the other side uses the same idea to support conclusions the user has rejected. This is commonly referred to as ensuring "what is good for the goose is good for the gander" and can be used to help users use logic consistently.
  6. Anonymize Participants: Assign unique, anonymous identifiers to each participant to ensure that the focus remains on the content of their arguments, not their personal identity or affiliations.
  7. Prioritize Issue-Focused Content: Rank comments and arguments based on their relevance to the identified topics and their logical coherence, prioritizing issue-focused content over personal drama.
  8. Moderate and Filter: Implement a moderation system that flags or filters out content that doesn't adhere to the guidelines of focusing on issues rather than people. This can be done by setting thresholds for sentiment scores, topic relevance, and entity mentions.
  9. Continuous Improvement: Continuously update and refine the algorithms based on user feedback and performance metrics, ensuring that the system remains effective in separating people from the problem.

By implementing these techniques, an automated conflict resolution system can promote democratic values and effective policy selection by focusing on issues rather than personal drama.

Code to Separate People From the Problem

Here's a Python code snippet to demonstrate how the processes mentioned can be used to separate people from the problems in online discussions:

import re
import spacy
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation
from textblob import TextBlob

# Load NER model
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

def preprocess_text(text):
    # Remove emojis, URLs, and special characters
    text = re.sub(r'http\S+|www.\S+|@\S+|[^A-Za-z0-9\s]+', '', text)
    return text.lower()

def topic_modeling(corpus):
    vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
    data_vectorized = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)
    lda = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_components=5)
    return lda, vectorizer

def get_sentiment(text):
    return TextBlob(text).sentiment.polarity

def extract_entities(text):
    doc = nlp(text)
    entities = [ent.text for ent in doc.ents]
    return entities

def main():
    # Sample comments
    comments = [
        "This policy is a disaster for our economy.",
        "The policy is terrible, just like the person who proposed it!",
        "We need to focus on education and healthcare.",
        "Why would anyone take advice from someone like you?",
    # Preprocess comments
    preprocessed_comments = [preprocess_text(comment) for comment in comments]

    # Topic modeling
    lda, vectorizer = topic_modeling(preprocessed_comments)
    topics = lda.transform(vectorizer.transform(preprocessed_comments))

    # Filter and prioritize comments based on sentiment, topic, and entities
    prioritized_comments = []
    for comment, topic in zip(preprocessed_comments, topics):
        sentiment = get_sentiment(comment)
        entities = extract_entities(comment)
        if sentiment < -0.5 or any(ent.lower() in comment for ent in entities):
        prioritized_comments.append((comment, topic.argmax()))

    print("Prioritized Comments:")
    for comment, topic in prioritized_comments:
        print(f"Topic {topic}: {comment}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

This code demonstrates text preprocessing, topic modeling, sentiment analysis, and named entity recognition. Note that the code provided is a basic example and may require further refinements to meet specific requirements. You can also integrate the Argument Acceptance Consistency Tracking and other processes mentioned into this code snippet to enhance its functionality.

Focus on Interests, not Positions


In political discussions, people often prioritize "winning" or obtaining their pre-stated position. Once they focus on a specific solution or their stated position, they fail to entertain alternatives that might be better for both sides.

Professional arbitrators, mediators, and experts in conflict resolution emphasize the importance of focusing on identifying each side's valid stated and unstated interests rather than letting disputing sides repeat why their pre-defined solution or position is the best.

Focusing on interests allows us to be dispassionate evaluators of costs and benefits, rather than blindly adhering to a position out of a desire to "win" or due to confirmation bias, saving face, or other psychological factors.

Even news outlets often fall into the trap of emphasizing winning and losing, which distracts from the possibility of elegant win-win solutions.

Therefore, designing a web forum that can identify the most likely interests or motivations of each side would be highly beneficial. By promoting a more open-minded and constructive approach to discussions, such a forum could facilitate the discovery of mutually agreeable solutions and improve the quality of political discourse.


Our process for focusing on interests, not positions, involves the following steps:

  1. Evaluate the arguments supporting a particular belief and identify the values or interests (pre-conditions) that must be accepted for those arguments to be valid. This involves utilizing our argument importance score and analyzing pro/con sub-arguments to uncover the root motivating interests.
  2. Identify individuals who strongly represent one side of the belief. Request that these individuals share their values, interests, and reasons for defending that side.
  3. Reward participants who submit the potential values and interests of each side.
  4. Reward users who post reasons for agreeing or disagreeing that each side can be characterized as being motivated by specific interests and motives. Develop scores to quantify how much each side agrees with characterizing holding particular values or being motivated by certain interests.
  5. Use algorithms, such as our modified version of the Google PageRank algorithm, argument-to-conclusion linkage scores, and truth, relevance, and relevance scores, to evaluate the relative performance of the pro/con arguments.
  6. Allow pro/con arguments that each interest or value should be categorized or prioritized within different hierarchies (e.g., Maslow's hierarchy of needs). The performance of these arguments is used to categorize the interest.
  7. Allow pro/con arguments that each interest or value is more or less important than other values, interests, or needs. The performance of these arguments is used to indicate the degree to which the motives of each side are essential.

Following these steps generates Interest Attribution Confidence Intervals (IACI), which indicate the strength of the evidence that we have accurately identified the interests of each side. Interest Validity Scores (IVS) are then produced in the last two steps, which indicate the categorization and prioritization of interests.

By following this process, we can create a more constructive and productive environment for political discussions, identifying areas of agreement and disagreement and working towards solutions that meet both sides' needs. This process can also help detect potential biases and ensure that our discussions are based on logic and evidence, ultimately leading to a more informed and engaged citizenry. Focusing on interests, not positions, is crucial for achieving this goal.


From ChatGPT 4.0

Here's a Python code outline to implement the algorithm. Please note that this code outline is just a starting point, and you'll need to fill in the details of the specific algorithms and scoring functions mentioned in the description.

import numpy as np

# Step 1: Evaluate arguments and identify pre-conditions
def evaluate_arguments(arguments):
    # Calculate argument importance score
    importance_score = np.mean([argument.importance for argument in arguments])
    # Analyze pro/con sub-arguments to uncover root interests
    root_interests = []
    for argument in arguments:
        if argument.is_pro:
    return importance_score, root_interests

# Step 2: Identify individuals and request values/interests
def identify_individuals(belief):
    # Find individuals who strongly represent one side of the belief
    individuals = belief.get_individuals()
    for individual in individuals:
        # Request values, interests, and reasons for defending the side

# Step 3: Reward participants for potential values/interests
def reward_participants(participants):
    # Reward participants who submit potential values and interests
    for participant in participants:
        if participant.has_submitted_interests:

# Step 4: Reward users for agreeing/disagreeing with interests/motives
def reward_users(users):
    # Develop scores to quantify agreement with characterizing values/interests
    for user in users:
        # Reward users who post reasons for agreeing/disagreeing
        if user.has_posted_reasons:

# Step 5: Use algorithms to evaluate arguments
def evaluate_arguments_with_algorithms(arguments):
    # Use algorithms to evaluate relative performance of pro/con arguments
    pagerank_scores = pagerank_algorithm(arguments)
    linkage_scores = argument_to_conclusion_linkage_algorithm(arguments)
    truth_scores = truth_algorithm(arguments)
    relevance_scores = relevance_algorithm(arguments)
    # Combine scores to generate overall performance score
    performance_scores = (pagerank_scores + linkage_scores + truth_scores + relevance_scores) / 4
    return performance_scores

# Step 6: Categorize and prioritize interests
def categorize_interests(interests):
    # Allow interests to be categorized/prioritized within different hierarchies
    hierarchy_scores = hierarchy_algorithm(interests)
    return hierarchy_scores

# Step 7: Indicate degree of importance for each interest
def indicate_importance(interests):
    # Allow interests to be more/less important than other values/interests/needs
    importance_scores = importance_algorithm(interests)
    return importance_scores

# Generate Interest Attribution Confidence Intervals (IACI)
def generate_iaci(belief):
    importance_score, root_interests = evaluate_arguments(belief.arguments)
    performance_scores = evaluate_arguments_with_algorithms(belief.arguments)
    hierarchy_scores = categorize_interests(root_interests)
    importance_scores = indicate_importance(root_interests)
    iaci = (importance_score, performance_scores, hierarchy_scores, importance_scores)
    return iaci

# Generate Interest Validity Scores (IVS)
def generate_ivs(iaci):
    hierarchy_scores, importance_scores = iaci[2], iaci[3]
    ivs = (hierarchy_scores, importance_scores)
    return ivs

From Bard, from April 1st, 2023

class InterestNotPosition:
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize any data structures, scores, or algorithms needed
        self.argument_importance_score = None
        self.interest_preconditions = None
        self.individual_values_and_interests = None
        self.agree_disagree_scores = None
        self.interest_importance_scores = None
        self.interest_hierarchies = None
        self.interest_values = None
        self.interest_validity_scores = None

    def evaluate_arguments(self, belief):
        # Implement the method for evaluating arguments and identifying interest preconditions
        # This involves utilizing our argument importance score and analyzing pro/con sub-arguments to uncover the root motivating interests.

        # First, we need to identify the arguments that support the belief. We can do this by looking at the belief's Wikipedia page and finding the sections that list arguments for and against the belief.

        # Once we have identified the arguments, we need to evaluate them. We can do this by using our argument importance score to rank the arguments and then by analyzing the pro/con sub-arguments for each argument.

        # Finally, we need to identify the root motivating interests. We can do this by looking at the arguments that have the highest importance scores and then by analyzing the pro/con sub-arguments for those arguments.

        # Here is an example of how we might implement this method:

        # def evaluate_arguments(self, belief):
        #     arguments = []
        #     for section in belief.wikipedia_page.sections:
        #         if section.title.startswith("Argument for"):
        #             arguments.append(section.content)
        #         if section.title.startswith("Argument against"):
        #             arguments.append(section.content)

        #     arguments = sorted(arguments, key=lambda x: self.argument_importance_score(x))

        #     root_motivating_interests = []
        #     for argument in arguments:
        #         pro_sub_arguments = argument.split("(")[1].split(")")[0]
        #         con_sub_arguments = argument.split("(")[2].split(")")[0]

        #         root_motivating_interests.append(self.identify_root_motivating_interests(pro_sub_arguments, con_sub_arguments))

        #     return root_motivating_interests

    def identify_individuals_who_strongly_represent_one_side_of_the_belief(self, belief):
        # Implement the method for identifying individuals who strongly represent one side of the belief
        # Request that these individuals share their values, interests, and reasons for defending that side.

        # First, we need to identify the individuals who have written about the belief. We can do this by looking at the belief's Wikipedia page and finding the sections that list people who have written about the belief.

        # Once we have identified the individuals, we need to ask them to share their values, interests, and reasons for defending the belief. We can do this by sending them a survey or by conducting interviews with them.

        # Here is an example of how we might implement this method:

        # def identify_individuals_who_strongly_represent_one_side_of_the_belief(self, belief):
        #     individuals = []
        #     for section in belief.wikipedia_page.sections:
        #         if section.title.startswith("Supporter"):
        #             individuals.append(section.content)
        #         if section.title.startswith("Opponent"):
        #             individuals.append(section.content)

        #     for individual in individuals:
        #         values_interests_reasons = self.request_values_interests_reasons(individual)
        #         individuals.append(values_interests_reasons)

        #     return individuals

    def reward_participants(self, submitted_values_interests):
        # Implement the method for rewarding participants who submit potential values and interests of each side

        # First, we need to identify the participants who have submitted values and interests. We can do this by looking at the list of individuals who have written about the belief and then by looking at the values and interests that they have submitted.

        # Once we have identified the participants, we need to reward them. We can do this by giving them a prize or by giving