借鉴了一些其他 EasyWeChat SDK for Yii2
,但好像都是针对 EasyWeChat V3
本渣瞎捣鼓了一个针对 EasyWeChat V4
Thank you.
composer require myshero/yii2-easy-wechat --dev
YII2 配置添加 wechat
'components' => [
// ...
// 微信参数
'config' => [
'app_id' => 'app_id',
'secret' => 'secret',
'log' => [
'level' => 'debug',
'permission' => 0777,
'file' => Yii::getAlias("@frontend") . '/runtime/wechat.log',
* OAuth 配置
* scopes:公众平台(snsapi_userinfo / snsapi_base),开放平台:snsapi_login
* callback:OAuth授权完成后的回调页地址
'oauth' => [
'scopes' => ['snsapi_userinfo'],
'callback' => 'wechat/oauth',
// ...
// here are some representative examples that will help you:
// 微信网页授权:
public function actionIndex()
$wechat = \Yii::$app->wechat;
if ($wechat->isGuest()) {
// 跳转微信服务器授权
return $wechat->prepareOauth();
// do something ...
* 授权回调
public function actionOauth()
$wechat = \Yii::$app->wechat;
return $wechat->oauth();
\Yii::$app->wechat->officialAccount; // 公众号
\Yii::$app->wechat->miniProgram; // 小程序
\Yii::$app->wechat->openPlatform; // 开放平台
\Yii::$app->wechat->payment; // 微信支付
\Yii::$app->wechat->work; // 企业微信
see EasyWeChat Docs.
Thanks to overtrue/wechat