Data collection (Done)
- Over 1000 job info are scraped from Glassdoor using selenium library
- With each job, we got the following: Job title, Salary Estimate, Job Description, Rating, Pros from reviews, Cons from reviews, Company, Location, Company Size, Company Founded Date, Type of Ownership, Industry, Sector, Revenue
Data cleaning
- Parsing salary estimate texts, company name, location, states
- Extracting new features: age, seniority level, job category, requirementes (AWS, Python, SQL, SAS)
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- Distributions and value counts of features investigated
- Linear correlation between features are analysed
- Pivot tables are developed to get insights
- Model training
- Categorical variable are converted to dummy variables
- Linear relationship between features and target are analysed
- Four models are trained, fine-tunned, and evaluated on test set
- Random forest and XGboost model performed the best (MAE of about 8)
- Productionizing ML model
- A Falsk API endpoint is hosted on a local webserver
- The API endpoint takes in a request with a list of values from a job listing and returns an estimated salary
- Project Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2zq7klxX5ASFejJj80ob9ZAnBHdz5O1t
- Glassdor web scraper: https://mersakarya.medium.com/selenium-tutorial-scraping-glassdoor-com-in-10-minutes-3d0915c6d905
- Flask Productionization: https://towardsdatascience.com/productionize-a-machine-learning-model-with-flask-and-heroku-8201260503d2
Python Version: 3.7
Packages: pandas, numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn, selenium, flask, json, pickle
For Web Framework Requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt