App to create a healthier lifestyle and routine in a community driven platform
- Phat - UI/UX designer (Po)
- Isaac - DevOps (Laa-Laa)
- Haydn - QA developer (Dipsy)
- Nico - Scrum master (TinkyWinky)
General user needs to complete daily challenges so that they can improve their resilience and stay motivated.
The user can view a list of challenges, see more details, opt-in then complete or opt-out a challenge.
User Stories:
- User can view challenges.
- User can select a challenge and see more details.
- User can opt-in to a challenge.
- User can mark a challenge as complete
- User can opt-out of a challenge if they want.
User Stories:
- User can login to the app.
- A new user can sign-up to the app.
User Stories:
- User can get to Inspire page from all other pages.
- User can get to Challenges page from all other pages.
- User can get to Home page from all other pages.
- User can get to Stats page from all other pages.
User Stories:
- Each user can read other users' messages.
- User can see who is the author of each message
User Stories:
- User can write a message if desired.
- Users can create challenges that follow the S.M.A.R.T pattern. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely).
User stories:
- User can see latest inspirational message on home page.
- User can see 10 latest challenges in a carousel on home page.
- User can see their current challenge on the home page.
User Stories:
- User can track their progress in one place.
User Stories:
- User can report or provide feedback on a challenge.
- They can report a messages that do not comply with the ethos of the app.
- assign yourself to an issue and add
label - start work on issue
- commit work referencing issue
- create a pull request
- reference issue
- add description of work completed
all of your team- if you are still working on the PR add [WIP] to the title (work in progress)
- everybody in the team reviews the PR - IMPORTANT!!!
- the creator of the PR should respond to all the questions and/or make changes requested (or say why don't want to change has to be a good reason)
- the final team member to review should
the QA and addawaiting-review
label - the QA will review and reassign the creator of the PR and unassign themself
- this step repeats until the PR can be merged 🔀 and the branch deleted ❌
"start": "node src/index.js",
"dev": "nodemon src/index.js"
"test": "NODE_ENV=test nyc nodemon src/tests/*.test.js | tap-spec",
"build": "node src/model/database/db_build.js"
- express
- express-handlebars
- cookie-session
- bcryptjs
- body-parser
- pg-promise
- babel
- serve-favicon
- dot-env
- tape
- tap-spec
- supertest
- nyc
- nodemon
- eslint
- eslint-config-airbnb-base
- Heroku
- Travis
- Production: Heroku
- Testing: Heroku
- Development: Local
- Express
- Handlebars
- PostgreSQL or MongoDB
- Tape
- Supertest
- Travis
- Babel
- Sass
- Those suffering from addiction, looking to improve
- People looking to develop a healthy daily routine
- People who want to be involved in a positive community driven platform
- Those who want to set daily challenges
- People who want to participate in an anonymous social network
- Stopping an addiction/bad habit
- Building confidence
- Developing a daily routine they commit to
- Feel accomplishment in helping and contributing for others
- Satisfaction in completing and creating challenges for others
- Initiate, when looking to make a lifestyle change
- Daily basis/ routine check
- When challenges are complete
- When you want to share postivity
- Smartphone focused
- In quiet time / personal time
- Mobile, use wherever comfortable
Why are those people choosing to use what you’ve designed (and not something else) and what drives this behavior?
- Anonymous
- Positive community
- We provide daily challenges
- Community moderation
- Complete daily challenges
- Track accomplishments
- Share thoughts
In a few bullet points, by building this app, what are you looking to prove?
- A positive community can be created
- Healthy changes can be made from daily routine
- Help others indirectly