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Installation Steps

  1. Obtain API Keys/Webhook URL
  2. Install needed packages, clone Repo and install library dependencies
  3. Configure the script
  4. Run the Script

Messaging Services

Here we need to setup the service you want to get the notifications from.

Discord Webhook URL

If you will be using Discord, you will need to configure your Discord server.

  • Create a new text channel for the bot (I called mine #dmr-monitor).
  • Go to the settings of your server and click on integrations (right click the server icon and go to server settings and then integrations).
  • In the middle of the screen should be a button that says "Create Webhook". Click that.
  • Give it a name (I used BM Monitor for mine) and select the new text channel you just created, or use an existing channel if you like.
  • Click the "Copy Webhook URL" button at the bottom of the window. Paste this somewhere as you will need it here shortly again. (If you loose it, you can come back later after creation and click the Copy button again).
  • Click "Save". Your Webhook and Channel are ready.


  • If you plan on using Telegram:
    • You will need to first either create a Telegram bot or use an existing one you own. If this is your first bot, you can use the steps here and talk to @BotFather to create your bot. You will need the bot token for the bot you are using/creating and this can also be obtained from talking to @BotFather.
    • You will also need your chatid. This can be obtained once your bot is up and running by sending a message to your bot and using the Telegram API by going to this url:'API-access-token'/getUpdates?offset=0 replacing 'API-access-token' with your bot access token you obtained in the previous step. You will see some json and you will be able to find your ID there in the From stanza.
    • Note that Influx DB provides some examples of what to look for in the above 2 steps. You can go to their page by clicking here.


  • Pushover is a service that sends notifications to your phone, tablet and computer.
  • It is important to note that, while they have a free trial, it is a paid service. It is $4.99 for every platform you want to use it on after a 30 Day trial, but you only pay that $4.99 once for every platform you are using it on.
  • This is the only paid service that this app supports.
  • While I am not advocating buying the service, I know that some people use it for other things already and it was an easy add to the program.
  • More information about Pushover can be found here.
  • To get your API keys for Pushover:
    • Log into your Pushover account.
    • Your User Key is the in the upper right hand corner of the screen there. Copy that someplace.
    • Next, you will need to register for an API key for Pushover to use the application with. Scroll to the bottom where it says "Your Applications" and click "Create and Application/API Token"
    • Give it a name, agree to the TOS and click create application.
    • On the next screen it shows you the API Key you will need. Copy that out and now you have the two pieces you need for message notifications to work with Pushover.


  • To use you will need to have your DAPNET pager and Transmitter already setup and configured and working. You will need:
    • Your DAPNET Username
    • DAPNET Password
    • TX Group

For more information about setting up your DAPNET credentials and getting signed up, you will need to go to The site is in German and you will need to translate it, unless you speak German, in which case you won't.

Installing the Script

The next step is installing the needed packages, cloning the repo to get the script and then installing the needed libraries for the script to work properly.

This is probably the easiest step to accomplish.

Please run the following commands on your server:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip git screen

git clone

cd bm_monitor

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Configure the Script

Now that you have all of your keys/webhooks/what have you, let's configure the script.

You will need to edit the file in the cloned directory. Open this file in your favorite text editor. You should see something similiar:

# adapt the following variables to your needs
talkgroups = [1234,4567] # Talkgroups to monitor, sperated by commas
callsigns = ['WA1ABC','W1AW'] # Callsigns to monitor, seperated by commas
noisy_calls = ["L1DHAM", "N0CALL", "N0C4LL"] # Noisy calls signs that will be ignored
min_duration = 0 # Min. duration of a QSO to qualify for a push notification
min_silence = 300 # Min. time in seconds after the last QSO before a new push notification will be send
verbose = True # Enable extra messages (console only)

# Pushover configuration
pushover = False # Enable or disable notifications via Pushover
pushover_token = "1234567890" # Your Pushover API token
pushover_user = "abcdefghijklm" # Your Pushover user key

# Telegram configuration
telegram = False # Enable or disable notifications via Telegram
telegram_api_id = "1234567"
telegram_api_hash = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
telegram_username = "foo_bot"
phone = "+491234567890"

# DAPNet configuration
dapnet = False # Enable or disable notifications via dapnet
dapnet_user = "mycall"
dapnet_pass = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
dapnet_url = ''
dapnet_callsigns = ["MYCALL"]
dapnet_txgroup = "dl-all"

# Discord Configuration
discord = False
discord_wh_url = 'DISCORD_WH_HERE'

Each section below that contains what is needed for each service to operate. To enable sending to a service, you will need to set the service name from False to True and supply the needed keys/webhooks for that service.

Running the Script

Once you have the config file edited, start the bot by typing the following:

screen -R bm_monitor

Then in the new window:

cd bm_monitor


Once that is done, hold CTRL and then tap A and then D to disconnect from the screen session. If something ever happens, you can reconnect to the session by typing:

screen -R bm_monitor

And see why it errored or quit. You will know it errored because it will send the error to whatever server you are using for notifications. This is useful if you need to contact me for support or want to restart the script.