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Releases: nHapiNET/nHapi

3.2.2 Release

24 Jan 10:45
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This release is purely superficial, it does not fix or add anything.

  • Add appropriate target framework metadata to the metapackage nuspec - already exists in the individual nuget packages.

See 3.2.0 release for latest actual nHapi changes.

By @milkshakeuk

3.2.0 Release

20 Jan 13:33
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Various new ParserOptions have been added, see the wiki for more information.

Things of note

As part of #398 the imperfect behaviour of XmlParser and DefaultXmlParser have been updated and brought inline with hapi fixing many quirks and defects. If you are dependant on this old behaviour you can use LegacyXmlParser and LegacyDefaultXmlParser instead, these will be available until the next major version of nHapi.

The nHapi convenience nuget package is now a meta package meaning it does not directly contain any Dlls. This metapackage just describes its dependencies, which happen to be all of the individual nHapi nuget packages. If you want to understand a little bit more about metapackages read this.

There is no difference in behaviour when using this metapackage vs the previous nHapi nuget package.

Bug Fixes



3.1.1 Release

19 Feb 09:18
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  • #277 Remove MaxRepetition check, keeps nhapi in line with hapi behaviour, nhapi becomes more forgiving in regards to repetitions. By @milkshakeuk (fixes #276)

3.1.0 Release

01 Jan 20:11
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  • #254 Add UnexpectedSegmentBehaviour Options, ported from hapi. By @milkshakeuk
  • #251 Fix concurrency issues with PipeParser, StructureDefinition, GenericMessage and Escape. By @milkshakeuk
  • #250 Add new options DefaultObx2Type and InvalidObx2Type to ParserOptions, ported from nhapi. By @milkshakeuk (fixes #63)
  • #240 Add support for NonGreedyMode by introducing ParserOptions ported from hapi. by @PhantomGrazzler (fixes #65 #232)


3.0.4 Release

11 Aug 13:13
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This change is to prevent the following Exception:

System.ArgumentException - An item with the same key has already been added.

In cases where dictionaries / hashtables are used for lookups such as Escape.cs when there multiple threads trying to add to them at the same time.

Instead of using Add(key, value) which only allows 1 items with a given key to be added to the dictionary / hashtable, we are using the index accessor to set or update the value in a last one wins scenario, but only when its combined with ContainsKey which has indicated that an item with that key shouldn't exist.

By @milkshakeuk

3.0.3 Release

10 Aug 19:48
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This change updates the PipeParser Version check when obtaining encoding characters from a message object in order to encode it to HL7; string.CompareOrdinal is now used instead of System.Version which is more forgiving when a version contains non numerical characters.

By @milkshakeuk

3.0.2 Release

09 Aug 14:32
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This change gives nhapi strong-named assemblies, there are no codes changes.

Bug Fixes

  • #227 fixes "A strongly-named assembly is required" runtime errors

By @milkshakeuk

3.0.1 nhapi.model.v231 Release

02 Jul 07:56
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This release is for the NuGet package nhapi.model.v231 only, there are no code changes, see below for change.

  • Remove unused project reference.

By @milkshakeuk

3.0.0 Release

28 Jun 14:33
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Along with the changes below you can now be more selective about how you install nHapi, please read the Getting Started page of the wiki for more information.

Breaking Changes

Default escape sequence for carriage return has changed from \X000d\ to \X0D\ which brings it inline with other libraries and InterSystems ensemble.

However if you rely on the old escape sequence of \X000d\ for carriage returns you can now configure this, see #185 or the wiki for configuration options.

The latest PipeParser implementation from hapi has been ported over to nHapi, there aren't any breaking changes that I am aware of, only benefits, however if you relied on the specific behaviour of the old PipeParser.cs then you can use LegacyPipeParser.cs instead, which is the old implementation.

Bug Fixes



3.0.0-preview.3 Release

02 Jun 10:38
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This is a pre-release package, we would appreciate it if people could test this package and raise any issues, so we can iron out any kinks before we go gold with

We are hoping this is the final preview version ahead of

On top of the previous preview release this release includes the following changes:

Bug Fixes


Breaking Changes
Default escape sequence for carriage return has changed from \X000d\ to \X0D\ which brings it inline with other libraries and InterSystems ensemble.

However if you rely on the old escape sequence of \X000d\ for carriage returns you can now configure this, see #185 for options.

The latest PipeParser implementation from hapi has been ported over to nHapi, there aren't any breaking changes that I am aware of, only benefits, however if you relied on the specific behaviour of the old PipeParser.cs then you can use LegacyPipeParser.cs instead, which is the old implementation.