This innovative project harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to provide a dynamic and engaging quiz experience for users of all backgrounds and interests. Discover, Learn, and Quiz like never before!
This application requires Node.js v16.13+.
git clone
cd quiz-master
npm install
cp .env.example .env
Ensure you populate the variables with your respective API keys and configuration values before proceeding.
npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push
npm run dev
- Language: TypeScript
- Framework: Next.js
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- Analytics: Vercel Analytics
- State Management: React Query
- ORM Toolkit: Prisma
- LLM Provider: OpenAI
- MySQL Database: Aiven
- Authentication: NextAuth.js
- Deployment: Vercel
This project is highly inspired from one of Elliott Chong's awesome builds. His work is really dope!