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Utility for encrypting & decryption field level PII (i.e Personally identifiable information) in document. Useful utility for implementing in-house Payment Card Industry ( PCI ) or similar compliance.


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PII Encryptor

It is a utility project to help implement field-level encryption on the csv or json document. It is designed to be used by service which needs PCI or similar compliance. It preloaded with a default implementation for csv and json, it simplifies indicating fields using Jsonpath for json and field index in case of csv. Preloaded class are designed to take care of most common implementation challenges, making developer focus on encryption strategy.

Get it as Maven dependency

external dependencies it used (All are authentic & secure libraries)

    compile group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core', name: 'jackson-databind', version: '2.9.9'
    compile group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core', name: 'jackson-core', version: '2.9.9'
    compile group: 'com.jayway.jsonpath', name: 'json-path', version: '2.4.0'
    compile group: 'commons-codec', name: 'commons-codec', version: '1.13'
    compile group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-csv', version: '1.7'

Basic terminologies

  • Field-level encryption: focus on encrypting data at specified fields only.
  • Data encryption key (DEK): is an encryption key whose function it is to encrypt and decrypt the data.
  • Key encryption key (KEK): is an encryption key whose function it is to encrypt and decrypt the DEK.
  • Encrypted data encryption key (eDEK): a shareable DEK encrypted using KEK
  • Key Management System (KMS): is the system that houses the key management

Implementation terminologies

  • Codec: a metadata detecting the strategy usable for encrypting or hashing a given fields
  • CodecLoader: codec provider from external sources such as db, or through java class
  • EncryptionService: a AES-256 based encryption service for encrypting & decrypting the data, it relies on creating new encryption session for encrypting and rebuilding the encryption session while decrypting.
  • Key Provider: KEK key list provider from external sources such as db, files, or KMS

Implementation philosophy

  1. Encrypted data is self sufficient, it know what strategy(i.e. codec) & data key (i.e. eDEK) is used to encrypt. Since eDEK is in encrypted using different key (i.e KEK), the data contains reference to KEK.
  2. If DEK in single document is compromised, it wont have affect on other document since the DEK are fairly unique to each document
  3. if KEK is compromised, it will compromise only documents where given KEK is being used, Key provider provide strategy strong enough to distribute KEK across multiple document to handle incident of KEK compromises.


Sample input json containing PII data.

the fields for encryption is _pan, mobile, arrays[0].k2, arrays[1].k2_

the fields for hashing is _pan_name, nested.key1, mobile, arrays[0].k1_

    "name":"full name",
    "pan_name":"pan full name",

field-level encrypted data

for every hash field, a surrogate new field is added starting with h_

the encrypted document contains metadata such as codec, DEK, KEKID.

    "name":"full name",
    "pan_name":"pan full name",

How to use API

the standard method will return PIIHandler with default json implementation JsonBasedStandardCodec for json codec, DemoJsonCodecLoader for codecloader, MapBasedKeyProviderImpl for keyProvider.

                PIIHandler piiHandler = PIIHandlerBuilder.standard();
                String encrypteddata = piiHandler.apply(input_json, "test-code-imp");
                String decrypteddata = piiHandler.resolve(encrypteddata);
                System.out.println("orginaldata "+input_json);
                System.out.println("encrypteddata "+encrypteddata);
                System.out.println("orginaldata "+input_json);

JsonBasedStandardCodec used in example

        JsonBasedStandardCodec codec = new JsonBasedStandardCodec();


orginaldata {"name":"full name","pan":"123124324","pan_name":"pan full name","mobile":"4534534534","hello":"Hash","nested":{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"},"arrays":[{"k1":"v1","k2":"v2"},{"k1":"v11","k2":"v21"}]}
encrypteddata {"name":"full name","pan":"kPNOioYbrsw/64s0df4n+A==","pan_name":"pan full name","mobile":"WuEsq5E6a9SW/V4kyNRI5A==","hello":"Hash","nested":{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","h_key1":"3c9683017f9e4bf33d0fbedd26bf143fd72de9b9dd145441b75f0604047ea28e"},"arrays":[{"k1":"v1","k2":"69jco+QP0+hmJNsmGhCThg==","h_k1":"3bfc269594ef649228e9a74bab00f042efc91d5acc6fbee31a382e80d42388fe"},{"k1":"v11","k2":"/u/Wb9ZKgjav6dv9Qmz4uw=="}],"h_pan_name":"8766d7e0b05c3fd0e62307e4a4551999a8308d411b24b8539afea0a4e42ab006","h_mobile":"ccbf71ae2de17bcea3950fdd0b0cd2f47b6901f7244267324088d7f914c068c5","codec":"test-code-imp","DEK":"mOoWkgCO58yXFbK1E6Llu0iuiX/g8mU/bJscH+bldLQ=","KEKID":"0d50f9aa-6436-4cdd-b88d-a23d8cdd90b7"}
decrypteddata {"name":"full name","pan":"123124324","pan_name":"pan full name","mobile":"4534534534","hello":"Hash","nested":{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"},"arrays":[{"k1":"v1","k2":"v2"},{"k1":"v11","k2":"v21"}]}

How to apply field-level encryption on CSV

/* csv data */
private static String input_csv = "Rajeev Kumar Singh,\"\",+91-9999999999,India\n" +
            "Sachin Tendulkar,,+91-9999999998,India\n" +
            "Barak Obama,,+1-1111111111,United States\n" +
            "Donald Trump,,+1-2222222222,United States";

/* Codec */
CSVByFieldIndexStandardCodec c1 = new CSVByFieldIndexStandardCodec();
/* Encrypt & decrypt the csv field level data */

 PIIHandler piiHandler = PIIHandlerBuilder.withDefault()
                .withCodecLoader(new DemoCSVCodecLoader()).build();
        String encrypteddata = piiHandler.apply(input_csv, "test-01");
        String decrypteddata = piiHandler.resolve(encrypteddata);
        assertNotEquals("input csv is not same after decryption", decrypteddata, input_csv);

/* for more details refer */

Working with custom implementation

Custom implementation to handle CSV

package io.github.nabhosal.pii.test;

import io.github.nabhosal.pii.PIIHandler;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.PIIHandlerBuilder;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.cipher.EncryptionService;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.encoder.Codec;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.encoder.CodecLoader;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.encoder.impl.DemoCSVCodecLoader;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.*;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;

public class TestCSVCodec {

    private static String input_csv = "Rajeev Kumar Singh,\"\",+91-9999999999,India\n" +
            "Sachin Tendulkar,,+91-9999999998,India\n" +
            "Barak Obama,,+1-1111111111,United States\n" +
            "Donald Trump,,+1-2222222222,United States";

    public void testCustomCSVbyFieldImpl(){
        PIIHandler piiHandler = PIIHandlerBuilder.withDefault().withCodecLoader(new CSVByFieldIndexCodecLoader()).build();
        String encrypteddata = piiHandler.apply(input_csv, "test-01");
        String decrypteddata = piiHandler.resolve(encrypteddata);
        assertNotEquals("input csv is not same after decryption", decrypteddata, input_csv);

    static class CSVByFieldIndexCodecLoader implements CodecLoader {

        private final HashMap<String, Codec> codecMap = new HashMap<>();

        public CSVByFieldIndexCodecLoader(){
            CSVByFieldIndexStandardCodec c1 = new CSVByFieldIndexStandardCodec();

            codecMap.put(c1.getCode(), c1);

        public Codec loadByCode(String code) {
            return codecMap.get(code);

        public String infer(String cipher) {

            CSVParser csvParser = null;
            String code = "";

            try {
                csvParser = CSVParser.parse(cipher, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withSkipHeaderRecord());
                CSVRecord first = csvParser.getRecords().get(0);
                code = first.get(first.size() - 1);
            } catch (IOException e) {

            if ("".equalsIgnoreCase(code))
                return cipher;

            return code;

    static class CSVByFieldIndexStandardCodec implements Codec<Integer>{

        private String code;
        private String codecType;
        public static final String DEFAULT_CODECTYPE = "csv_byindex_01";
        private Set<Integer> efields;
        private Set<Integer> hfields;

        public CSVByFieldIndexStandardCodec(){
            efields = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            hfields = new LinkedHashSet<>();

        public String getCode() {
            return code;

        public String apply(String rawdata, EncryptionService encryptionService) {

            EncryptionService.EncryptionSession session = encryptionService.newSession();

            CSVParser csvParser = null;
            StringWriter csvInString = new StringWriter();
            CSVPrinter writer = null;

            try {
                csvParser = CSVParser.parse(rawdata, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withSkipHeaderRecord());
                writer = new CSVPrinter(csvInString, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withSkipHeaderRecord());
                for (CSVRecord csvRecord : csvParser) {
                    int totalFields = csvRecord.size();
                    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(totalFields + hfields.size() + 3);

                    for(String field : csvRecord)

                    for(int fieldIndex : hfields)

                    for(int fieldIndex : efields)
                        list.set(fieldIndex, encryptionService.encrypt(session, list.get(fieldIndex)));



                return csvInString.toString();
            } catch (IOException e) {

            return rawdata;

        public String resolve(String cipher, EncryptionService encryptionService) {

            EncryptionService.EncryptionSession session = null;

            CSVParser csvParser = null;
            StringWriter csvInString = new StringWriter();
            CSVPrinter writer = null;

            try {
                csvParser = CSVParser.parse(cipher, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withSkipHeaderRecord());
                writer = new CSVPrinter(csvInString, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withSkipHeaderRecord());

                CSVParser forInfer = CSVParser.parse(cipher, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withSkipHeaderRecord());
                CSVRecord first = forInfer.getRecords().get(0);
                String eDEK = first.get(first.size() - 4);
                String KEKId = first.get(first.size() - 3);

                session = encryptionService.buildSession(eDEK, KEKId);

                for (CSVRecord csvRecord : csvParser) {

                    int totalFields = csvRecord.size() - hfields.size() - 3 - 1;

                    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(csvRecord.size());
                    for(int i = 0; i < totalFields ; i++){

                        if( efields.contains(i)){
                            list.add(encryptionService.decrypt(session, csvRecord.get(i)));


                return csvInString.toString();
            } catch (IOException e) {

            return cipher;

        public Codec encrypt(Integer field) {
            return this;

        public Codec addHash(Integer field) {
            return this;

        public Codec encrytWithHash(Integer field) {
            return encrypt(field).addHash(field);

        public Codec setCode(String code) {
            this.code = code;
            return this;


Building PIIHandler with custom CodecLoader & EncryptionService

package io.github.nabhosal.pii.test;

import io.github.nabhosal.pii.PIIHandler;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.cipher.KeyProvider;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.cipher.impl.AESBasedEncryptionService;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.cipher.EncryptionService;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.cipher.impl.MapBasedKeyProviderImpl;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.encoder.Codec;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.encoder.CodecLoader;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.encoder.impl.JsonBasedStandardCodec;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.encoder.impl.DemoJsonCodecLoader;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.PropertyAccessor;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import io.github.nabhosal.pii.PIIHandlerBuilder;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.*;

import static io.github.nabhosal.pii.encoder.impl.JsonBasedStandardCodec.DEFAULT_CODECTYPE;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

public class TestJsonCodec {

    private static String input_json = "{\"name\":\"full name\",\"pan\":\"123124324\",\"pan_name\":\"pan full name\",\"mobile\":\"4534534534\",\"hello\":\"Hash\",\"nested\":{\"key1\":\"value1\",\"key2\":\"value2\"},\"arrays\":[{\"k1\":\"v1\",\"k2\":\"v2\"},{\"k1\":\"v11\",\"k2\":\"v21\"}]}";

    public void testPIIBuilderImpl(){

        PIIHandler piiHandler = PIIHandlerBuilder.withDefault()
                .withCodecLoader(new TestCodecLoader())
                .withEncryptionService(new TestEncryptionService())

        String encrypteddata = piiHandler.apply(input_json, "test-codec");
        String decrypteddata = piiHandler.resolve(encrypteddata);

        assertFalse("decrypteddata should not be same as orginaldata due to hardcoded value encryptionService", input_json.equalsIgnoreCase(decrypteddata));


    static class TestCodecLoader implements CodecLoader{

        public Codec loadByCode(String code) {

            JsonBasedStandardCodec codec = new JsonBasedStandardCodec();

            return codec;

        public String infer(String cipher) {
            String codecStr = "";
            try {
                codecStr = new ObjectMapper().readTree(cipher).get("codec").asText("");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("DemoJsonCodecLoader: codec field not found");
                return cipher;
            } catch (NullPointerException e){
                System.out.println("DemoJsonCodecLoader: codec field not found");
                return cipher;

                return cipher;
            return codecStr;

    static class TestEncryptionService implements EncryptionService {

        public String encrypt(EncryptionSession session, String raw) {
            return "encrypt";

        public String decrypt(EncryptionSession session, String cipher) {
            return "raw";

        public KeyProvider getKeyProvider() {
            return new KeyProvider(){

                HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

                public String getKeyById(String id) {
                    map.put(id, id);
                    return map.get(id);

                public String getKeyForEncryption(Map<String, Object> params) {

                    return "";

        public EncryptionSession buildSession(String eDEK, String KEKId) {
            return new TestEncryptionSessionImpl();

        public EncryptionSession newSession() {
            return new TestEncryptionSessionImpl();

        static class TestEncryptionSessionImpl implements EncryptionSession{

            public TestEncryptionSessionImpl(){


            public String getDEK() {
                return "dek";

            public String geteDEK() {
                return "edk";

            public String getKEKId() {
                return "123";




Utility for encrypting & decryption field level PII (i.e Personally identifiable information) in document. Useful utility for implementing in-house Payment Card Industry ( PCI ) or similar compliance.








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