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Ensemble ML is an R package for Ensemble training and deployment of ml models

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EnsembleML is an R package for performing feature creation in time series and frequency series, building multiple regression and classification models and combining those models to be an ensemble. You can save and read models created using this package and also deploy them as API within the same model.

Installation of the package

The pacakge is currently only available in Github and won't be seeing anytime in CRAN. Use devtools to install from github as follows.


Feature creation

Features can be created both in time series and frequency series using this package. Use featureCreationTS() for time series and featureCreationF for frequency domain. The standard features include mean, sd, median, trimmed, mad, min, max, range, skew, kurtosis, se, iqr, nZero, nUnique, lowerBound, upperBound, and quantiles.

data = rnorm(50)

#     TS_mean    TS_sd TS_median TS_trimmed    TS_mad    TS_min   TS_max TS_range   TS_skew TS_kurtosis
#X1 0.2107398 1.025315 0.1822303  0.2097342 0.8026293 -2.194434 3.161181 5.355616 0.1251634   0.6376311
#       TS_se   TS_iqr TS_nZero TS_nUnique TS_lowerBound TS_upperBound    TS_X1.    TS_X5.   TS_X25.
#X1 0.1450015 1.041068        0         50     -1.850106      2.314167 -2.116863 -1.388573 -0.288504
#     TS_X50.   TS_X75.  TS_X95.  TS_X99.
#X1 0.1822303 0.7525642 1.661972 2.814687

Summary of the data

numSummary() function can be used to generate the numerical summary of the entire data set. The example for iris data set is shown below. Rest of the documentation will include using iris data set.


#                n mean    sd max min range nunique nzeros  iqr lowerbound upperbound noutlier kurtosis
# Sepal.Length 150 5.84 0.828 7.9 4.3   3.6      35      0 1.30       3.15       8.35        0   -0.606
# Sepal.Width  150 3.06 0.436 4.4 2.0   2.4      23      0 0.50       2.05       4.05        4    0.139
# Petal.Length 150 3.76 1.765 6.9 1.0   5.9      43      0 3.55      -3.72      10.42        0   -1.417
# Petal.Width  150 1.20 0.762 2.5 0.1   2.4      22      0 1.50      -1.95       4.05        0   -1.358
#              skewness mode miss miss%   1%   5% 25%  50% 75%  95%  99%
# Sepal.Length    0.309  5.0    0     0 4.40 4.60 5.1 5.80 6.4 7.25 7.70
# Sepal.Width     0.313  3.0    0     0 2.20 2.34 2.8 3.00 3.3 3.80 4.15
# Petal.Length   -0.269  1.4    0     0 1.15 1.30 1.6 4.35 5.1 6.10 6.70
# Petal.Width    -0.101  0.2    0     0 0.10 0.20 0.3 1.30 1.8 2.30 2.50

Training multiple models

For most prototyping we end up training multiple models manually. This is not only time consuming but also not very efficient. multipleModels() function can be used to train multiple models at once as shown below. All the models uses caret function models. You an read more about it here

mm = multipleModels(train = iris, test = iris, y = "Species", models = c("C5.0", "parRF"))

# $summary
#       Accuracy Kappa AccuracyLower AccuracyUpper AccuracyNull AccuracyPValue McnemarPValue
# C5.0     0.960  0.94         0.915         0.985        0.333       2.53e-60           NaN
# parRF    0.973  0.96         0.933         0.993        0.333       8.88e-64           NaN

The bench mark for training multiple models for iris data set is as follows

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(multipleModels(train = iris, test = iris, y = "Species", models = c("C5.0", "parRF")), times = 5)

# Unit: seconds
#                                                                                        expr  min   lq mean 
#  multipleModels(train = iris, test = iris, y = "Species", models = c("C5.0",      "parRF")) 22.6 22.6 22.9
#  median   uq  max neval
#    22.7 22.7 23.8     5

Training an ensemble

Ensemble training is a concept of joining results from multiple models and feeding it to a different model. You can use ensembleTrain() function to achieve this. We use the results from multiple models mm and then feed it to this function as follows

em = ensembleTrain(mm, train = iris, test = iris, y = "Species", emsembleModelTrain = "C5.0")

# $summary
# Confusion Matrix and Statistics
#             Reference
# Prediction   setosa versicolor virginica
#   setosa         50          0         0
#   versicolor      0         47         1
#   virginica       0          3        49
# Overall Statistics
#                Accuracy : 0.973         
#                  95% CI : (0.933, 0.993)
#     No Information Rate : 0.333         
#     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16        
#                   Kappa : 0.96          
#  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA            
# Statistics by Class:
#                      Class: setosa Class: versicolor Class: virginica
# Sensitivity                  1.000             0.940            0.980
# Specificity                  1.000             0.990            0.970
# Pos Pred Value               1.000             0.979            0.942
# Neg Pred Value               1.000             0.971            0.990
# Prevalence                   0.333             0.333            0.333
# Detection Rate               0.333             0.313            0.327
# Detection Prevalence         0.333             0.320            0.347
# Balanced Accuracy            1.000             0.965            0.975

Predicting from ensemble

predictEnsemble() function is used to predict from ensemble model

predictEnsemble(em, iris)

#     prediction
# 1       setosa
# 2       setosa
# 3       setosa
# 4       setosa
# 5       setosa
# 6       setosa
# 7       setosa
# 8       setosa
#           .
#           .
#           .

Saving and reading the model

Ensemble models can be saved and read back to the memory as follows

saveRDS(ensembleModel, "/home/savedEnsembleModel.RDS")

Deploying models as API

The trained models could be deployed as API using the same package as follows. First we need to save the models and then call them as follows

createAPI(host = '', port = 8890)
# Serving the jug at
# [1] "Model was successfully loaded"
# HTTP | /predict - POST - 200 

Lets curl and see what we get

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Host:' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \
  -F 'jsondata={"model":["/home/savedEnsembleModel.RDS"],"test":[{"Sepal.Length":5.1,"Sepal.Width":3.5,"Petal.Length":1.4,"Petal.Width":0.2,"Species":"setosa"}]}'

Issues and Tracking

If you have any issues related to the project, please post an issue and I will try to address it.


Ensemble ML is an R package for Ensemble training and deployment of ml models







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