Samples of different Spring Integration modules (jms, batch, integration)
int-http-xml: An example of a web application that exposes a RESTful API using HTTP inbound channel adapters. The configuration of this application is implemented with XML.
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int-http-dsl7: An example of a web application that exposes a RESTful API using HTTP inbound channel adapters. The configuration of this application is fully implemented with JavaConfig and Spring Integration Java DSL. This example is implemented with a Java version prior to Java 8. Hence, it does not use lambdas. To check the Java 8 version example please select the int-http-dsl project.
int-http-dsl: An example of a web application that exposes a RESTful API using HTTP inbound channel adapters. The configuration of this application is fully implemented with JavaConfig and Spring Integration Java DSL. This example is implemented with a Java 8 version, making use of lambdas.
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jms-basic: Shows how to configure a basic Spring JMS application, with examples on how to send and receive messages using point-to-point messaging (queues) and publish-subscribe messaging (topics).
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jms-tx: Contains examples reproducing the problems related to message processing and how to solve them with local JMS transactions.
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jms-boot-javaconfig: A simple example using annotated JMS listeners using no XML configuration. Spring Boot automatically configures the project based on dependencies included in the classpath.
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spring-ws: Shows how to implement a web service with the Spring-WS module. The example starts with a sample XML document and uses it to generate the contract. This project uses JAXB2 to generate the Java objects.
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int-ws-retry-adv: Allows to retry a web service operation using RequestHandlerRetryAdvice. The project spring-ws from this same repository needs to be deployed on the server to test a succesful invocation. Otherwise, it will keep retrying invocations until it reaches a max retries limit. If the limit is reached, it will store the request to a mongoDB database (a mongod instance needs to be running).
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int-ws-retry: A custom version of the int-ws-retry-adv project without the support of Spring Retry. This application uses a cron trigger with an inbound adapter to accomplish the same functionality.
int-ws-timeout: Example of how to configure a timeout for invoking a web service through a web service outbound gateway. The web service's source code can be found at
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int-rmi: This project shows a client invoking a service over RMI with Spring Integration. The first client test class uses the MessagingTemplate to explicitly send its request to the message channel. The second client shows how to do it transparently with gateways.
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int-error: Implements and tests the different mechanisms for error handling in Spring Integration. Tests are splitted in two main areas; synchronous and asynchronous messaging.
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int-v4-full: Implemented with Spring 4.0.3 and Spring Integration 4.0, this project shows an example of configuring an integration application without using XML. The configuration is defined in @Configuration classes.
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