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My dotfiles, with an out-of-date install-script. Arch, Tiling WM (i3, sway), ZSH, Neovim

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Naibaf0s dotfiles

This directory contains my collection of dotfiles as well as an install and update script.


This script hasn't been kept up to date with the rest of the repository

cd ~
git clone .dotfiles

Software Base

Wayland Desktop (sway)

  • sway
  • wlroots
  • swaybg
  • swayidle
  • swaylock
  • slurp
  • grim
  • kanshi
  • wdisplays-git
  • waybar
  • mako
  • xorg-server-xwayland
  • wl-clipboard
  • wofi
  • vulkan-validation-layers
  • libinput-gestures


  • thunar, thunar-volman, gvfs

  • dropbox & dropbox-cli

  • nwg-look

  • xarchiver

  • pulseaudio, pulseaudio-bluetooth, pulseaudio-alsa, pulseaudio-ctl

  • pavucontrol

  • libnotify

  • acpi

  • pass

  • physlock

  • arch-audit

  • qalculate-gtk

  • otf-overpass

  • ttf-fantasque-sans-mono

  • otf-font-awesome

  • ant-dracula-gtk-theme

  • breeze-icons

  • capitaine-cursors

  • imv

  • gpicview-gtk3

  • blueberry

Terminal & Shell

  • neofetch
  • inxi
  • kitty
  • zsh
  • fzf
  • ripgrep
  • fd
  • bottom


  • neovim

  • python-pynvim

  • git

  • ctags

  • shellcheck

Pacman hooks

  • informant
  • paccache-hook
  • pug
  • longoverdue
  • arch-audit

Extra Groups

sudo usermod -a -G $GROUP $USER

  • video (backlight, udev rule provided by light)
  • informant (to read informant hook messages without sudo)
  • input (for ydotool?)

Use XWayland

To force XWayland with these apps copy their .desktop file from /usr/share/applications/$APP to ~/.local/share/applications and add env GDK_BACKEND=x11 or env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb depending if it is an GTK or QT application to the Exec= line. After the edit run update-desktop-database command.

  • mendeley-reference-manager.desktop