Version-Control Client Application with Angular 8 and Electron (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload) for creating Desktop applications.
Currently runs with:
- Angular v8.3.6
- Electron v7.0.0
- Electron Builder v21.2.0
- node-pty@0.9.0-beta22
The application was based on the from maximegris 's bootstrap application
This application is not fully tested and only for reference purpose. Be aware that any further issues might not be resolved.
/!\ Angular 8.0 CLI needs Node 10.9 or later to work.
The project is used as the final project for university course. The works in the application was done with lots of help from:
- DesignCourse video that provide knowledge about ElectronJS in just 1 hour (actually I just need 15min as the rest is coding in Angular).
- Maximegris and his awesome bootstrap application repo.
- Tyriar with his fast and detailed support on node-pty issues.
- Visual Studio Code repository where I can find the correct
config (damn node-pty@0.9.0-beta19) - Mrs.Duong who is the lecturer and gave me tons of advise in managing development process.
- JVB corp where I work, especially my boss Mr.T who helped me a lot in technical issues despite I disappointed him a lot in company project lol.
- And many more...