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Kang Hyuck edited this page Sep 24, 2023 · 1 revision

This document is written by Hyuck Kang.


HM (HEVC Test Model) is the reference software for Rec. ITU-T H.265 | ISO/IEC 23008-2 High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). The software is maintained by the Joint Video Experts Team (JVET) which is a joint collaboration of ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG, Question 6 of ITU-T Study Group 16) and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG, Working Group 5 of Subcommittee 29 of ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1).

For more information, the official site is here:

1. Download source code

$ git clone
$ cd HM
$ git checkout tags/HM-18.0 -b HM-18.0

2. Build

$ mkdir out
$ cd out
$ make -j32

You can find the build outputs in HM/bin directory.

$ cd ../bin
$ ls -l
-rwxrwxr-x 1 kang-hyuck kang-hyuck  939808  9월 24 22:34 MCTSExtractorStatic
-rwxrwxr-x 1 kang-hyuck kang-hyuck  450456  9월 24 22:34 SEIFilmGrainAppStatic
-rwxrwxr-x 1 kang-hyuck kang-hyuck  117456  9월 24 22:34 SEIRemovalAppStatic
-rwxrwxr-x 1 kang-hyuck kang-hyuck  999864  9월 24 22:34 TAppDecoderAnalyserStatic
-rwxrwxr-x 1 kang-hyuck kang-hyuck  943224  9월 24 22:34 TAppDecoderStatic
-rwxrwxr-x 1 kang-hyuck kang-hyuck 1804504  9월 24 22:35 TAppEncoderStatic
-rwxrwxr-x 1 kang-hyuck kang-hyuck   23480  9월 24 22:33 parcatStatic
drwxrwxr-x 3 kang-hyuck kang-hyuck    4096  9월 24 22:33 umake

3. Input test sequences

you can get test sequences here:

Download test sequences, ice, 4CIF(704x576), 480 frames, 279MB needed.

$ wget


Change y4m format to yuv format.

$ ffmpeg -i ice_4cif.y4m ice_4cif.yuv

4. Record

Please note that the tracing results, was 12GB.

$ uftrace record --no-libcall -N ^std ./TAppEncoderStatic -i ice_4cif.yuv -wdt 704 -hgt 576 -fr 24 -f 3 -c ../cfg/encoder_lowdelay_P_main.cfg


str.bin is encoding output and HEVC bitstream file. you can play this with your media player.


5. Replay

Enjoy HEVC video codec encoding algorithm with uftrace :)

$ uftrace replay

 115.336 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TAppEncCfg::TAppEncCfg();
   0.334 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TAppEncTop::TAppEncTop();
   0.085 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_main();
            [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_Debug.cpp() {
            [424676] |   __static_initialization_and_destruction_0() {
            [424676] |     EnvVar::EnvVar() {
   0.427 us [424676] |       EnvVar::getEnvVarList::cxx11();
   0.085 us [424676] |       splitOnSettings();
   5.280 us [424676] |       lineWrap();
   3.937 us [424676] |       indentNewLines();
  20.426 us [424676] |     } /* EnvVar::EnvVar */
            [424676] |     EnvVar::EnvVar() {
   0.068 us [424676] |       EnvVar::getEnvVarList::cxx11();
   2.418 us [424676] |       splitOnSettings();
   0.182 us [424676] |       lineWrap();
   0.348 us [424676] |       indentNewLines();
   5.289 us [424676] |     } /* EnvVar::EnvVar */
            [424676] |     EnvVar::EnvVar() {
   0.069 us [424676] |       EnvVar::getEnvVarList::cxx11();
   0.202 us [424676] |       splitOnSettings();
   0.100 us [424676] |       lineWrap();
   0.158 us [424676] |       indentNewLines();
   1.599 us [424676] |     } /* EnvVar::EnvVar */
            [424676] |     EnvVar::EnvVar() {
   0.063 us [424676] |       EnvVar::getEnvVarList::cxx11();
   0.124 us [424676] |       splitOnSettings();
   0.126 us [424676] |       lineWrap();
   0.109 us [424676] |       indentNewLines();
   1.444 us [424676] |     } /* EnvVar::EnvVar */
            [424676] |     EnvVar::EnvVar() {
   0.065 us [424676] |       EnvVar::getEnvVarList::cxx11();
   0.159 us [424676] |       splitOnSettings();
   0.072 us [424676] |       lineWrap();
   0.156 us [424676] |       indentNewLines();
   1.351 us [424676] |     } /* EnvVar::EnvVar */
            [424676] |     EnvVar::EnvVar() {
   0.064 us [424676] |       EnvVar::getEnvVarList::cxx11();
   0.158 us [424676] |       splitOnSettings();
   0.457 us [424676] |       lineWrap();
   0.109 us [424676] |       indentNewLines();
   1.839 us [424676] |     } /* EnvVar::EnvVar */
  57.180 us [424676] |   } /* __static_initialization_and_destruction_0 */
  57.451 us [424676] | } /* _GLOBAL__sub_I_Debug.cpp */
   0.114 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_ProfileLevelTierFeatures.cpp();
   0.078 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TComChromaFormat.cpp();
   0.070 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TComDataCU.cpp();
   0.072 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TComMotionInfo.cpp();
   0.071 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TComPicYuv.cpp();
   0.071 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TComRom.cpp();
   0.075 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TComSlice.cpp();
   0.072 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TEncGOP.cpp();
   0.076 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TEncRateCtrl.cpp();
   0.072 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TEncSampleAdaptiveOffset.cpp();
   0.076 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TEncSbac.cpp();
   1.036 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TEncSlice.cpp();
   0.079 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TEncTemporalFilter.cpp();
   0.071 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TEncTop.cpp();
   0.073 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_WeightPredAnalysis.cpp();
   0.071 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_NALwrite.cpp();
   0.076 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_SEIEncoder.cpp();
   0.075 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_SEIwrite.cpp();
   0.080 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_SyntaxElementWriter.cpp();
   0.077 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TEncBinCoderCABAC.cpp();
   0.083 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TEncBinCoderCABACCounter.cpp();
   0.076 us [424676] | _GLOBAL__sub_I_TEncCavlc.cpp();


   0.061 us [424676] |           TComYuv::TComYuv();
            [424676] |           TComYuv::create() {
   0.060 us [424676] |             TComYuv::destroy();
   0.347 us [424676] |           } /* TComYuv::create */
            [424676] |           initZscanToRaster() {
            [424676] |             initZscanToRaster() {
            [424676] |               initZscanToRaster() {
            [424676] |                 initZscanToRaster() {
   0.118 us [424676] |                   initZscanToRaster();
   0.112 us [424676] |                   initZscanToRaster();
   0.063 us [424676] |                   initZscanToRaster();
   8.788 us [424676] |                 } /* initZscanToRaster */
            [424676] |                 initZscanToRaster() {
   0.068 us [424676] |                   initZscanToRaster();
   0.060 us [424676] |                   initZscanToRaster();
   0.060 us [424676] |                   initZscanToRaster();
   0.764 us [424676] |                 } /* initZscanToRaster */
            [424676] |                 initZscanToRaster() {
   0.070 us [424676] |                   initZscanToRaster();
   0.060 us [424676] |                   initZscanToRaster();
   0.061 us [424676] |                   initZscanToRaster();
   0.756 us [424676] |                 } /* initZscanToRaster */
   0.061 us [424676] |                 initZscanToRaster();
   0.060 us [424676] |                 initZscanToRaster();
   0.060 us [424676] |                 initZscanToRaster();
  11.519 us [424676] |               } /* initZscanToRaster */


            [424676] |         TComSampleAdaptiveOffset::create() {
   0.134 us [424676] |           TComSampleAdaptiveOffset::destroy();
   0.056 us [424676] |           TComPicYuv::TComPicYuv();
            [424676] |           TComPicYuv::create() {
            [424676] |             TComPicYuv::createWithoutCUInfo() {
   0.081 us [424676] |               TComPicYuv::destroy();
  16.886 us [424676] |             } /* TComPicYuv::createWithoutCUInfo */
  20.836 us [424676] |           } /* TComPicYuv::create */
  22.213 us [424676] |         } /* TComSampleAdaptiveOffset::create */
            [424676] |         TEncSampleAdaptiveOffset::createEncData() {
            [424676] |           TEncSbac::TEncSbac() {
   0.065 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.058 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.075 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.056 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.056 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.056 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.056 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.056 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.056 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.056 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   0.057 us [424676] |             ContextModel3DBuffer::ContextModel3DBuffer();
   7.374 us [424676] |           } /* TEncSbac::TEncSbac */
            [424676] |           TEncBinCABACCounter::TEncBinCABACCounter() {
   0.058 us [424676] |             TEncBinCABAC::TEncBinCABAC();
   0.334 us [424676] |           } /* TEncBinCABACCounter::TEncBinCABACCounter */
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