The Ecoleta Project was developed to create a connection between people and companies, which collect organic and inorganic waste, to people and entities in the selective collection of recyclable waste.
💻📱 Check the layout on Figma.
🚧Under construction🚧. Access Documentation and learn more.
This project was developed with:
- Express
- KnexJS
- SQLite3
- Axios
- Leaflet
- Expo Google Fonts
- Picker Select
- React Native Emoji
- Multer
- Celebrate
Fork this repository;
Make a branch with your feature:
git checkout -b my-feature
Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
Push your branch:
git push origin my-feature
Happy was developed by Diego Fernandes from Rocketseat in the Next Level Week 1.0.
This project is under MIT License. Access License and learn more.
Made with 💜 by Fernando Batista