Accurate Multivariate Stock Movement Prediction via Data-Axis Transformer with Multi-Level Contexts Implementation
This is a Keras implementation of the stock movement prediction model in "Accurate Multivariate Stock Movement Prediction via Data-Axis Transformer with Multi-Level Contexts" (Jaemin Yoo, Yejun Soun, Yong-chan Park, and U Kang, KDD, 2021).
- time axis attention
- context aggregation
- data axis attention
see hyperparameters
brew install graphviz pip install -r requirements.txt
''' ipython kernel install --user --name=ml '''
nnictl create --config config.yaml
nnictl stop --all
- config.yaml (nni 설정파일)
- (모델 생성및 nni hyper parameter 지정)
- threshold 사용하여 (하락, threshold 구간 = 0) , (상승 = 1) 결과 = VmMI9