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Closed Jul 11, 2023 100% complete

Release v1.5

  • New model type: Direct Models. Direct Models directly correlate current state and future load to time of event, rather than state-transition models which simulate forward to calculate time of event
  • New model types that combine multiple models:
    • EnsembleModel: combinations of multiple models of the same system where results are aggregated
    • Com…

Release v1.5

  • New model type: Direct Models. Direct Models directly correlate current state and future load to time of event, rather than state-transition models which simulate forward to calculate time of event
  • New model types that combine multiple models:
    • EnsembleModel: combinations of multiple models of the same system where results are aggregated
    • CompositeModel: combinations of models of different systems that are interdependent
  • New Model: Aircraft flight model
  • New DataModel: Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) Direct Surrogate model
  • Initial transition of Input/State/OutputContainer and SimResult to use Pandas DataFrame. This release will bring the interface more in compliance with DataFrames. v1.6 will fully transition the classes to DataFrames.
  • Implemented new metrics that can be used when calculating error: Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Maximum Error (MAX_E), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)
    • Error calculation metric can now be changed in estimate_params
  • Revamping integration:
    • New integration methods: RK4 and methods from scipy.integrate
    • Integration is now set at the model level. For continuous models the specified integration method will apply when calling next_state
  • 3.11 support

Release schedule (updated 6/1):

  • Release Branch Opens: June 16, 2023
  • Release Review: June 23, 2023
  • Release Date: June 26, 2023

This milestone is closed.

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