A simple chess game built with JavaScript using the Phaser.js game engine.
- Download the Files: Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
- Open the Game: Double-click
to launch the game in your default web browser.
Added the isKingInCheck function: This new function was implemented to check if a given king is in check using the Chess.js library.
Modified the switchTurn method: The check for whether a king is in check was updated to use the Chess.js library's in_check() method directly.
Removed redundant code: Some unnecessary code removed.
Integrated Chess.js more deeply: The code now relies more heavily on the Chess.js library for game logic, including legal move generation and game state checking.
Updated AI move implementation: The AI move function now uses the Stockfish API to get the best move, which is then executed using the Chess.js library.
Improved error handling: Added some error checking and logging, particularly in the AI move function.
- Phaser.js - A fast and robust framework for creating 2D games in HTML5.
- Lichess API - For integrating the Stockfish chess engine.