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Supported 7.7 Bot API


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implementation 'et.telebof:telegrambot:1.13.2-alpha'

Your First Echo Bot

import et.telebof.BotClient;

public class MyFirstEchoBot {
  static final String TOKEN = "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    final BotClient bot = new BotClient(TOKEN);

    // Listening for /start command
    bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.commands("start"), (context, message) -> {

    // Listening for any text
    bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.text(), (context, message) -> {
    });; // finally run the bot

Do not worry if you do not understand what the above code mean, it will be explained in the next chapter.

Available Types

All Telegram types are defined in et.telebof.types. And they are completely the same as Telegram types.

Their set method is their camelCased name method

Available Methods

All Telegram methods are defined in et.telebof.request and implemented in et.telebof.BotContext class.

These methods can be used in 2 ways: Inside handler using context parameter and Outside handler using bot.context instance.

Inside handler

No need to pass chat_id or user_id to the methods need it as argument using context argument or bot.context instance

Outside handler

chat_id or user_id must be passed to the methods need it as argument using bot.context instance

/* Inside Handler */

// send message
context.sendMessage("Hello, World").exec(); // or
context.sendMessage(, "Hello, World").exec();

// The same as 

bot.context.sendMessage("Hello, World").exec();
bot.context.sendMessage(, "Hello, World").exec();

// send Photo
context.sendPhoto(new File("photo.png")).exec(); // or
context.sendPhoto(, new File("photo.png")).exec();

// The same as 

bot.context.sendPhoto(new File("photo.png")).exec(); // or
bot.context.sendPhoto(, new File("photo.png")).exec();

/* Outside Handler */

bot.context.sendMessage(123456789L, "Hello, World").exec();
bot.context.sendPhoto(123456789L, new File("photo.png")).exec();

Assume that in our examples it is inside handler

// send photo
context.sendPhoto(new File("photo.png")).exec(); // or

// send audio
context.sendAudio(new File("audio.mp3")).exec();

// send video
context.sendVideo(new File("video.mp4")).exec();

// send voice
context.sendVoice(new File("voice.ogg")).exec();

// send document
context.sendDocument(new File("doc.pdf")).exec();

// send animation
context.sendAnimation(new File("animation.gif")).exec();

// send contact
context.sendContact(phone_number, first_name).exec();

// send poll
InputPollOption option1 = new InputPollOption("option 1");
InputPollOption option2 = new InputPollOption("option 2")
context.sendPoll(question, new InputPollOption[]{option1, option2}).exec();

// send invoice
LabeledPrice price1 = new LabeledPrice(label1, amount1);
context.sendInvoice(title, dscription, payload, currency, new LabeledPrice[]{price1}).exec();

// send media group
InputMediaPhoto media1 = new InputMediaPhoto(new File("photo_1.png"));
InputMediaPhoto media2 = new InputMediaPhoto(new File("photo_2.png"));
context.sendMediaGroup(new InputMedia[]{media1, media2}).exec();

// get me
User me = context.getMe().exec();

// ban chat member

// leave chat

Handling Updates


Update is an event that bot receives like incoming messages, pressing button.

Updates are handled by registering one or more callback classes.

Each update has its own handler. These handlers take two parameters as argument: filter class and callback class. The filter class is a lambda class of et.telebof.filter.FilterExecutor takes et.telebof.filter.Filter as an argument and returns Boolean, so that if the condition of this filter matches with the update sent from telegram, the callback class will be called and its body gets execute.

The callback class takes two parameters: et.telebof.BotContext class and type of class of an update which is being handled

Let's back to the first echo bot example.

import et.telebof.BotClient;

public class MyFirstEchoBot {
  static final String TOKEN = "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    final BotClient bot = new BotClient(TOKEN);

    bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.commands("start"), (context, message) -> {

    bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.text(), (context, message) -> {

We have two handlers: /start command handler and text handler.

  • The first handler handles /start command and send back a text Welcome!.

  • The second handler handles any incoming text and echoes the text.

  • The reply method is a shortage of sendMessage and replies message to the message.

  • exec() meaning execute is an enclosing and request sender method. This means before ending and sending request, you can pass optional parameters and then send a request to telegram. For example sendMessage method has optional parameters parse_mode, reply_markup. So you can pass their value for these parameters and send request to telegram.

import et.telebof.enums.ParseMode;

context.sendMessage("*Hello, World*")

Lastly we start our bot by using run() which does not take any parameter and run our bot via long polling.

IMPORTANT: All handlers are handled in the order in which they were registered.

Types of Handlers

There are 22 types of updates to be handled

Message Handler

bot.onMessage((context, message) -> {}); 

CallbackQuery handler

bot.onCallback((context, callback) -> {});

InlineQuery Handler

bot.onInline((context, query) -> {} );

Poll Handler

bot.onPoll((context, poll) -> {});

PollAnswer Handler

bot.onPoll((context, poll_answer) -> {});

ShippingQuery Handler

bot.onShipping((context, shipping) -> {});

ChannelPost Handler

bot.onChannelPost((context, channel_post) -> {});

PreCheckoutQuery Handler

bot.onPreCheckout((context, pre_checkout) -> {});

EditedMessage Handler

bot.onEditedMessage((context, edited_message) -> {});

EditedChannelPost Handler

bot.onEditedChannelPost((context, edited_channel_post) -> {});

MyChatMember Handler

bot.onMychatMember((context, chat_updated) -> {});

ChatMember Handler

bot.onChatMember((context, chat_member) -> {});

ChosenInlineResult Handler

bot.onChosenInlineResult((context, chosen) -> {});

MessageReaction Handler

bot.onReaction((context, reaction) -> {});

MessageReactionCount Handler

bot.onReactionCount((context, reaction_count) -> {});

ChatBoost Handler

bot.onChatBoost((context, chat_boost) -> {});

RemovedChatBoost Handler

bot.onRemovedChatBoost((context, removed_chat_boost) -> {});

BusinessMessage Handler

bot.onBusinessMessage((context, businnes_message) -> {});

BusinessConnection Handler

bot.onBusinessConnection((context, business_connection) -> {});

EditedBusinessMessage Handler

bot.onEditedBusinessMessage((context, edited_business_message) -> {});

DeletedBusinessMessage Handler

bot.onDeletedBusinessMessage((context, deleted_business_message) -> {});

If only callback class is passed to a handler, the filter class will return true by default

bot.onMessage((context, message) -> {});

The same as

bot.onMessage(filter -> true, (context, message) -> {});

Filtering Updates

In previous topic we have seen how to create handlers and how they work. In this section we will talk about how filters work and how we use them.

As previously discussed, all handlers take two parameters: filter class and callback class.

The filter class is used for filtering content of updates and separate the same update by content they hold.

Predefined Filters

  • filter.text() - filter message is text
  • - filter message is photo
  • - filter message is video
  • filter.voice() - filter message is voice
  • - filter message is audio
  • filter.animation() - filter message is animation
  • filter.document() - filter message is document
  • filter.videoNote() - filter message is video note
  • - filter message is contact
  • filter.loaction() - filter message is location
  • - filter message is game
  • filter.venue() - filter message is venue
  • filter.sticker() - filter message is sticker
  • filter.dice() - filter message is dice
  • filter.invoice() - message is an invoice for a payment
  • - filter message is one of the following: photo, video, audio, sticker, video_note, voice, animation, document.
  • filter.passportData() - message is Telegram passport data
  • filter.usersShared() - filter users were shared with the bot
  • filter.chatShared() - filter chat was shared with the bot
  • filter.newChatMember() - filter new members joined or added to the group
  • filter.leftChatMember() - filter member left from the group
  • filter.newChatPhoto() - filter a chat photo was changed
  • filter.newChatTitle() - filter a chat title was changed
  • filter.groupCreated() - filter a group chat was created
  • filter.supergroupCreated() - filter a supergroup chat was created
  • filter.channelCreated() - filter a channel was created
  • filter.messageAutoDeleteTimerChanged() - filter auto-delete timer settings changed in the chat
  • filter.migrated() - filter the group/supergroup has been migrated to/from a supergroup/group
  • filter.chatBackgroundSet() filter chat background set
  • filter.pinnedMessage() - filter a message was pinned
  • filter.successfulPayment() - filter message about successful payment
  • filter.refundedPayment() - filter message about refunded payment
  • filter.proximityAlertTrigged() - filter a user in the chat triggered another user's proximity alert
  • filter.boostAdded() - filter user boosted the chat
  • filter.giveaway() - filter message is scheduled giveaway
  • filter.giveawayCreated() - filter a scheduled giveaway was created
  • filter.giveawayCompleted() - a giveaway without public winners was completed
  • filter.forumTopicCreated() - filter forum topic created
  • filter.forumTopicClosed() - filter forum topic closed
  • filter.forumTopicEdited() - filter forum topic edited
  • filter.forumTopicReopned() - filter forum topic reopened
  • filter.webAppData() - filter data sent by a Web App
  • filter.videoChatStarted() - filter video chat was started in the chat
  • filter.videoChatEnded() - filter video chat was ended in the chat
  • filter.videoChatParticipantsInvited() - filter new participants invited to a video chat
  • filter.videoChatScheduled() - filter video chat scheduled
  • filter.forwarded() - filter message was forwarded
  • filter.replied() - filter message was replied to another message
  • filter.repliedToStory() - filter message was replied to chat story
  • filter.entities() - filter message text contains entities(bold, italic, underline, mention, url, hashtag)
  • filter.quote() - filter message text contains quote
  • - filter user is bot
  • filter.emptyQuery() - filter query is empty
  • filter.Private() - filter the chat is private
  • - filter the chat type is group
  • filter.supergroup() - filter chat type is supergroup
  • - filter chat type is channel
  • filter.commands(String... commands) - filter message is given commands.
  • filter.callbackData(String... datas) - filter given callback_data belongs to the pressed button.
  • filter.inlineQuery(String... queries) - filter given query is queried
  • filter.customFilter(CustomFilter cf) - filter given filter
  • filter.state(String state) - filter current state is given state. Pass * for filtering any state
  • filter.texts(String... texts) - filter given text matched with message text
  • filter.chatIds(Long... ids) - filter given id matched with current chat's id
  • filter.fromIds(Long... ids) - filter given id matched with current user's id
  • filter.chatUsernames(String... usernames) - filter given username matched with current chat's username
  • filter.usernames(String... usernames) - filter given username matched with current user's username
  • filter.regex(String pattern)- regular expression filter for message text
// handles incoming texts
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.text(), (context, message) -> {});

// handles incoming photos
bot.onMessage(filter ->, (context, message) -> {});

// handles incoming videos
bot.onMessage(filter ->, (context, message) -> {});
// handles message in chat with chat_id of 123456789
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.chatIds(123456789L), (context, message) -> {});

// handles message from user whose id is 123456789 
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.fromIds(123456789L), (context, message) -> {});

// handles message in chat username @this_chat
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.chatUsernames("this_chat"), (context, message) -> {});

// handles message from user whose username is @this_user
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.usernames("this_user"), (context, message) -> {});

### Filtering message text
Message text can be filtered by using the following methods: `filter.commands`, `filter.texts`, `filter.regex`.

#### Filtering command
// handles /start command
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.commands("start"), (context, message) -> {});

// handles /help command
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.commands("help"), (context, message) -> {});

Filtering Text

// handles hi text
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.texts("hi"), (context, message) -> {});

// handles hello text
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.texts("hello"), (context, message) -> {});

Filtering using Regular Expression

// handles any text starts with hi 
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.regex("^hi"), (context, message) -> {});

// handles any text ends with bye
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.regex("bye$"), (context, message) -> {});

Combining filters

You may want to handle text and photo in one handler or a text in different chats. To do so use logical operators (&&, ||, !) and combine them together.

Here are some examples

// handles incoming text in private chat
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.text() && filter.Private(), (context, message) -> {});

// handles an incoming text or photo
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.text() ||, (context, message) -> {});

// handles incoming text in supergroup chat 
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.text() && filter.supergroup(), (context, message) -> {});

// handles incoming audio or video in private chat
bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.Private() && ( ||, (context, message) -> {});

Writing your own filter

You can write your own filter using filter.customFilter.

This example will show you how you can write filters using et.telebof.filters.CustomFilter and filter.customFilter.

Let's write simple custom filter whether incoming text starts with ! or not.

import et.telebof.BotContext;
import et.telebof.filters.CustomFilter;
import et.telebof.handlers.MessageHandler;
import et.telebof.types.Message;
import et.telebof.types.Update;

// Filter whether the incoming message text starts with `!`. or not

class StartsWithFilter implements CustomFilter {
  public boolean check(Update update) {
    return update.message.text.startsWith("!");

public class FilterBot {

  static void startsWith(BotContext context, Message message){
      context.sendMessage("Message starts with !").exec();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
      // ...
      bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.text() && filter.customFilter(new StartsWithFilter()), 

Advanced Filters

There are some advanced filters for handling pressing button and inline query. These are filter.callbackData and filter.inlineQuery respectively.

Example for handling inline button through its callback data using filter.callbackData

// handles inline button which its callback data equals with "a"
bot.onCallback(filter -> filter.callbackData("a"), (context, callback) -> {
    context.answer("You pressed A button!").exec();

Example for handling inline query using filter.inlineQuery

// handles an inline query which its query equals with a word "hello"
bot.onInline(filter -> filter.inlineQuery("hello"), (context, query) -> {});


State Filter

There is another special filter to make conversations with bot called state filter.

bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.commands("start"), (context, message) -> {
    context.sendMessage("What is your name?").exec();
    bot.setState(, "name"); // set our state to `name`. You can set whatever

bot.onMessage(filter -> filter.state("name") && filter.text(), (context, message) -> {     
    context.sendMessage(String.format("Your name is %s", message.text)).exec();



Example for using reply markup

import et.telebof.types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup;
import et.telebof.types.KeyboardButton;

ReplyKeyboardMarkup markup = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup()
        .resizeKeyboard(true); // resize keyboard
markup.add("A", "B", "C"); // You can add String or 
markup.add("D", "E"); 
markup.add(new KeyboardButton("F")); // KeybaordButton class

context.sendMssage("Hello, World!").replyMarkup(markup).exec();


example for using InlineKeyboardMarkup

import et.telebof.types.InlineKeyboardButton;
import et.telebof.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup;

InlineKeybaordMarkup inlineMarkup = new InlineKeybaordMarkup();

  new InlineKeybaordButton("A").callbackData("a"), 
  new InlineKeybaordButton("C").callbackData("b"), 
  new InlineKeybaordButton("Url").url("")
); // 3 keyboards on a row 

// also  possible
InlineKeybaordMarkup inlineMarkup = new InlineKeybaordMarkup(new InlineKeybaordButton[]{
  new InlineKeybaordButton("A").callbackData("a"), 
  new InlineKeybaordButton("B").callbackData("b"),    
  new InlineKeyboardButton("Url").url("")
}, 2); // 2 row width. i.e 2 keyboards on a row at max

// also possible
InlineKeybaordMarkup inlineMarkup = new InlineKeybaordMarkup(new InlineKeybaordButton[][]{
    new InlineKeybaordButton[]{
      new InlineKeybaordButton("A").callbackData("a"), 
      new InlineKeybaordButton("B").callbackData("b")
    new InlineKeyboardButton[]{
      new InlineKeyboardButton("Url").url("")

context.sendMessage("Press one button").replyMarkup(inlineMarkup).exec();


import et.telebof.types.ForceReply;

context.sendMessage("Can you tell me your name please?")
        .replyMarkup(new ForceReply())


import et.telebof.types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup;

context.sendMessage("There is no reply keyboard now")
        .replyMarkup(new RemoveReplyKeybaord())

Inline Bot

import et.telebof.types.InlineQueryResult;
import et.telebof.types.InlineQueryResultArticle;
import et.telebof.types.InputTextMessageContent;

bot.onInline(filter -> filter.emptyQuery(), (context, query) -> {
    InlineQueryResultArticle article = new InlineQueryResultArticle("1")
            .title("Write something")
            .description("click here")
            .inputTextMessageContent(new InputTextMessageContent("Please write something"));

    context.answerInline(new InlineQueryResult[]{article}).exec();

Using Webhook

import et.telebof.Webhook;

class MyWebhookBot {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Webhook webhook = new Webhook("", "/bot");  // URL and path respectively
    bot.deleteWebhook(); // first delete webhook if any
    bot.setWebhook(webhook); // set webhook

    //...; // start our bot on webhook


Advanced Usage

Local Bot API Server

import et.telebof.BotClient;

String url = "";
BotClient bot = new BotClient.Builder(TOKEN)

You have to log out your bot from the Telegram server before switching to your local API server using bot.context.logOut().exec()


log current status of the bot.

import et.telebof.BotClient;

BotClient bot = new BotClient.Builder(TOKEN)


import et.telebof.BotClient;

InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(80, "127.97.91"); //port and hostname respectively 

Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, address);
BotClient bot = new BotClient


import et.telebof.BotClient;
import et.telebof.enums.ParseMode;
import et.telebof.enums.Updates;

BotClient bot = new BotClient.Builder(TOKEN)
        .log(true) // Log current status
        .skipOldUpdates(false) // Receive updates sent last 24 hours 
        .parseMode(ParseMode.HTML) // Default parse mode passed to sendXyz methods
        .limit(10) // Limit how many updates should be received at maximum per request 
        .useTestServer(false) // Using test server
        .timeout(30) // timeout
        .offset(-1) // offset
        .allowedUpdates(Updates.ALL) // Allowed updates
        .proxy(null) // proxy
        .build(); // build our client

Error Handling

import et.telebof.TelegramApiException;

try {     
    context.sendMessage("Hello, World").exec();    
} catch(TelegramApiException apiException){


Finally, we now assume that you have basic understanding of this library in this brief tutorial, however, if you have any question or need support regarding this library, you have the following options

  1. Ping us on our official Telegram group.
  2. Ask questions by opening a discussion

And join our official Telegram channel for update news.