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An android application which displays the time of arrival for any Trent University bus.

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Trent Bus Application

Created by Matthew Corr, Nicolas Barnes and Nathan McBride for COIS 2240

Installation Guide

  • Our application is not on the Play Store.... yet.

  • There are two ways you can install our project

      • Enable Developer Options by going to Settings > About Phone > Software Information and then tap on your Build Number five times. Developer Options should now be visible from your Settings

      • Go into Developer Options and enable USB Debugging

      • Plug your phone into the computer, accept the Allow USB Debugging prompt, now when you click run in android studio it should build the application and then install the .apk file onto your phone

      • Plug phone into computer

      • If you receive a prompt asking for data permission on your device hit Allow

      • Go to the File Explorer on your computer and drag the TrentBusFinder.apk into your phones local storage

      • Back on your phone, open your Android file manager and navigate to the folder containing the TrentBusFinder.apk and click it

      • This will prompt you to Allow unknown apps from this application, press OK

      • This should bring you to the Android package manager, where you can click install

      • If you receive a "Play Protect" warning, you can dismiss it and install anyway

Classes and Methods

  • The first activity of the application, this is where the user selects a stop and route

    • onCreate()

      • Runs when the main activity is created (When the application is opened)
      • Calls requestPermission(), setUpDataBase() and setSpinners()
    • requestPermission()

      • This method displays a window which prompts the user if they would like to allow permission to the phones location information
    • setUpDatabase()

      • This method calls the functions createDatabase() and openDatabase() from which create and open a copy of our database for use within the application
    • setSpinners()

      • Responsible for populating the drop down spinners for selecting route and stop from the user
      • Database is queried for the selected route and then populates all of the stops along that route into the second spinner using a onItemSelected listener
    • submitData(View view)

      • Method called when the submit button is pressed on the main activity
      • It creates an intent for the second activity and passes the selected route ID and selected stop ID to the second activity using putExtra()
    • showClosestStops(ArrayList<Stop> availableStopsOnRoute)

      • Uses a LocationManager to retrieve the latitude and the longitude of the device.
      • It then loops through all of the available stops and uses the distanceTo() function to calculate the distance in meters to each stop from your current position.
      • Those distances are then sorted in order of smallest to largest
  • This is the second activity of the application this activity uses a lot of methods to calculate and display the next bus times with the routeID and stopID retrieved from

    • onCreate()

      • Created when the user presses the "Submit" button on the first activity
      • Retrieves the stopID and routeID that was sent in the previous activity
      • Uses timeFromStart(routeID, stopID) to find the time the bus left the initial bus stop
      • Then uses intermediateTime(timeFromStart) to find the amount of time since the bus left the station
      • Calls getDayOfWeek to find out what schedule to use
      • Once we have all that information, nextThreeBuses(route,day,intermediateTime) is called to retrieve the next three buses that will arrive at your selected stop
      • calculateArrivalTime is used to increase the time of the buses based on how far away you are from the initial stop
      • Finally getFormattedTime is used to change military time into a 12 hour format with an AM or PM suffix
      • The Text Views are then displayed with the correct times
    • finishedActivity(View view)

      • Used to return the user to the previous activity when they press the back button
  • Data Helper is a class which interfaces with the DB and allows us to perform SQL queries

    • createDatabase()

      • Checks if the database already exists with checkDatabase(), if it does do nothing
      • If it doesn't exist call copyDatabase()
    • checkDatabase()

      • Checks for the existence of a database
    • copyDatabase()

      • Uses a buffer to make an identical copy of our database that the application can interact with
    • openDatabase()

      • Uses the SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase() to open the database for use
    • selectAllFromRoutesTable

      • Uses an SQL query to retrieve all routes in the route table
    • timeFromStart(int routeID, int stopID)

      • Finds the timeFromStart in the database given a routeID and stopID from the route_stops table
    • nextThreeBuses(int routeID, String scheduleType, String intermediateTime)

      • Returns an Array List containing the next three buses to arrive at the users selected stop
    • calculateArrivalTime(ArrayList<String> busList, String timeFromStart)

      • Calculates the arrival time of the bus given the time from start and the list of next buses
    • selectFromStopLeftJoinRouteStops(int routeID)

      • Associates stopID's to routeID's using a LEFT JOIN query. Results are arranged by order of stops on routes.

    • checkDayOfWeek()

      • Returns either "weekend" or "weekday", used to determine which bus schedule to use
    • makeTimeHumanReadable(String militaryTime)

      • Converts time from 24-hour time code to 12-hour with a AM or PM prefix
      • i.e. 23:23:00 to 11:23 PM
    • calculateIntermediateTime(String timeFromStart)

      • Intermediate Time is the current time subtracted from the time from start and it gives the

    • stopToString(ArrayList<Stop> stopArrayList)
      • Converts an Array List of type Stop to an Array List of type String
    • routeToString(ArrayList<Route> routeArrayList)
      • Converts an Array List of type Route to an Array List of type `String

    • Class which contains route information, it's data members are
      • int ID : ID associated with the route
      • String name: Name of the route
      • int startLocation: The ID of the stop which the route starts on

    • Class which contains stop information, it's data members are
      • int ID: ID associated with the stop
      • String name: Name associated with the stop
      • double latitude: Double which contains the latitude of the stop
      • double longitude: Double which contains the longitude of the stop


An android application which displays the time of arrival for any Trent University bus.






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