The work put in will achieve the standard objectives:
- Create a program using javascript.
- Program list sorted from the highest price to lowest in javascript.
- Using amadeus api to search for flight prices.
- "Real-world" programming integrated with git and GitHub.
- Managing files according to actual working folders.
- Files: work, playGround, projects, study, tests, etc.
- These folders should have their actual files.
$ npm install node-fetch airport-iata-codes --save
- FETCH method
- Object array to struct list
List of technologies used to achieve project's objectives:
- macOS Ventura version 13.3
- node.js
- vscode
- TigerVNC Viewer version 1.13.0
- amadeus api
- git
- GitHub
- npm
- node-fetch version 3.3.1
- airport-iata-codes version 1.0.13
- We assume that the cheap_travel.js list is from highest to lowest.
- We assume that the exchange rate is in Euro.
- We assume the origin of flight is in Sydney, Australia.
- We assume the list gives airport code as destination.
Unusable API:
- Unable to use city name as a parameter for travalay.js.
- Unable to give single major city of the airport.