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This is the documentation for the setup and details about API Endpoints of the Book-Keep Server :

Technologies Used

This project uses Node v20.9.0 along with MongoDB v7.0.2

Dev Container

If you don't have mongo or node and don't want to go through the trouble of installing them on your system, I have setup a convenient dev container which will setup an environment with Node and Mongo in a dockerized container.

All you need is the official Dev Containers Extension for VSCode and it will automatically ask you to reopen this project inside a container when you clone this repo.

Or you can manually install Mongo (v >= 5) and Node (v >= 16).


Assuming you have setup the dev container or have node and npm installed, you can hit the following command to start the server in the project directory.

npm start

Following env variables can be setup in a yourfile.env:

  • API_PORT : The port at which the server listens to requests. Default is 3000.

  • MONGO_HOST : Mongo Host to connect to. Default is 'localhost'.

  • MONGO_PORT : Mongo Port to connect to. Default is 27017

  • MONGO_DB : Name of the database for the project

  • LOG_ENV : Predefined format for morgan logger

    Can be one of the following :

    • dev
    • combined
    • common
    • short
    • tiny

Run the following command before the above command if you have supplied your own yourfile.env file

source yourfile.env


The server serves a total of 5 APIs

Create Book Record

API to create a book record.

  • Method : POST

  • Path : /api/books

  • Input :

    • body

        "title": "Some-Title",
        "author": "Some-Author",
        "summary": "Some-summary"

    NOTE : title and author are required fields.

  • Output : JSON

      book_id: "654b929b9438813c9703d286"

Get All Books

API to get all book records.

  • Method : GET

  • Path : /api/books

  • Input :

    • query : from and size for pagination


    NOTE : Default and minimum value of from is 0. Default value of size is 50 and minimum is 1.

  • Output : JSON

      data: [
          "_id": "654b9ea5faf52fce2c7eb830",
          "title": "Some-Title",
          "author": "Some-Author"
      total: 1

    NOTE : total is an integer denoting total number of books. data is an array of book records.

Get Book Record Details

API to get details of a book record.

  • Method : GET

  • Path : /api/books/:id

  • Input :

    • params : id of the book record to be fetched
  • Output : JSON

      "data": {
        "_id": "654bbfd6c5f201897a3ec1c3",
        "title": "Some-Title",
        "author": "Some-Author",
        "summary": "Some-Summary",
        "created_at": "2023-11-08T17:05:26.780Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-11-08T17:05:26.780Z",
        "__v": 0

Update Book Record Details

API to get details of a book record.

  • Method : PUT

  • Path : /api/books/:id

  • Input :

    • params : id of the book record to be updated

    • body

        "title": "Some-Title",
        "author": "Some-Author",
        "summary": "Some-summary"
  • Output : 204 When Successful

Delete Book Record Details

API to get details of a book record.

  • Method : PUT

  • Path : /api/books/:id

  • Input :

    • query : soft_delete


      If this query param is sent with false value, then document will be hard deleted otherwise it will always be a soft delete

    • params : id of the book record to be deleted

  • Output : 204 When Successful


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